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How do you use the "super" strong swing?


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I've been playing multiplayer all this weekend, and for some reason I find myself getting a LOT more kills than I normally do in games like Unreal Tournament. Probably because there are so many saber using n00bs to blast out there :) And for some reason I find myself having much better aim and movement playing in the third person mode...dunno why this is the case (including when I'm using guns). My theory is that I have some poor fps habbits in general but I recently "learned" a new set of skills when I started playing in third person.


Anyhow, how do you use this "1 hit kill" swing I hear people talking about? The only strategy I've found useful in saber fights is the good ole "strafe left/right and swing like a madman" while in medium stance, but I think that people using the swing I want to know how to use are the ones who kill me.


Also, which force side is better for sabers only? Dark seems to be better because drain trumps heal and protect, and dark does have seeing so mind trick is useless. Plus lightning looks cool and is deadly if you grab the "unlimited force" powerup, and grip is great if you have teammates. Dark rage doesn't seem to help much in sabers only though.



My favorite tactic is to use dark rage and get out the repeater or the flechette gun and use secondary fire. It ROCKS. I use the remaining mana to drain, and if I get lucky I've killed entire teams off before by charging in and spamming the room with the flechette guns "bouncy ball" mode. I usually die when I run out of ammo though. But dark rage combined with one of those guns is almost unstoppable : about the only thing that can kill you is the rocket launcher, or sometime I get pushed off the edge.


Anyway, dark rage seems to double your firing rate so its like having your own personal damage amplifier than you can use at any time. Grab a bacta and stock up with full metallic bolt ammo before you pull this stunt though.

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My favorite tactic is to use dark rage and get out the repeater or the flechette gun and use secondary fire.


well 99% of all the gun *****s use the repeater to spam anyway. so nothing new




as far as spamming goes, yes. otherwise you just get called a lamer.

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Well, the thing is to hit anyone with a gun in this game you pretty much have to spam. Thats because everything except the sniper rifle is dodgable, and force jump lets you jump INCREDIBLY high. Many people also have speed on, making "aiming" a pretty bad idea. Instead, you try to spam the spot they are going to land at with repeater shots or "bounce" flechette balls into the room they are in, making it so they CAN'T dodge it. And the ultra high speed and lack of crosshairs for the sniper rifle means that sniping is pretty tough to do...you basically can't be hit with it unless you stand still.


Due to the high speed, sabers suck against anyone who doesn't want to duel...when someone comes at me with a lightsaber I like to run backwards, smacking them with repeater shots over and over again til they die (not long if dark rage is on). If the game had "instant kill" sabers against anyone who isn't also holding a lightsaber it might work better. Plus, lower run speed if you are holding a big gun. Mod, anyone?

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1. I will not tell you the strong stance special move because the last thing we need is another n00b running around only doing that 1 move.

2. With the exception of alternate repeater fire, a good saberist can take down anyone with a gun.

3. Light side owns dark side if you know how to use it. Too many people rely on grip. If you use absorb and other light side powers correctly, you can dominate. Example: Frequently people like to enjoy gripping and throwing each other off the ledge on Nar Shaddaa and other levels. Just try going on one of those catwalks up to a dark sider. Let him grip you. Turn on absorb. While little johnny is trying to figure out why the hell he can't seem to grip you and throw you off the edge, slice him to bits.

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fuggit, I'll tell you how, maybe if EVERY SINGLE damn person is running around using this one IDIOTIC move the dev's will notice and tone it down by either:


a.) making the delay after the attack much longer to offset the destructive capability of this lame attack

b.) fixing the damn hit detection

c.) losing the ability to turn once you've landed, this one is RETARDED, he's just hovering there

d.) all of the above


Anyways, to do this weak move go into red stance and swing, around the end of the swing press forward+attack, yay, you're on your way.

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So basically I just hit attack. As he's nearly done doing the default swing (the default is a sidewise swipe), about to reset his position I just mash forward and attack at the same time? Just mash w and the left mouse button? What happens? Does it work even if no opponents are nearby? (i.e. will he still do the animation even if it doesn't hit anyone. The medium stance "downward poke" only works if someone is in front of you)


To the above : a good saberist can beat anyone with a gun? How? From my experience, dark rage means Mr. saber dude is DEAD before he gets close enough. Even without alt repeater spam, the REGULAR repeater fire is a friggin chaingun when dark rage is on. You can mow down anyone with it. Or use the E-11 if the saberist pulled away your repeater...with dark rage the E-11 alt fire can mow anyone down in an instant. Heck even the pistol is deadly if he took the above two guns away since dark rage is double firing rate.


As for absorb, it eats up the mana so I just run away as a dark side player and come back when you run out of mana. I then proceed to drain you every 5 seconds or so ensuring I always have full health and you have no mana.


Look, I'm not a lamer. Just when I play a game, I'm going to use strategies that allow ME to win. Sure, in some games *I* don't do too well using strategies that others can win (my aim is not that quick so I usually do badly with a sniper rifle). When I play a no force duel server I get pasted quite often with the super strong swing (though I didn't know what it was...just that I'd have 100 health and full shields and suddenly be dead). So I want to compete, so I'm asking how do execute the move.

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Uhhh, all a saberist has to do if someone is using the E-11 or the pistol is switch to light stance and stand still and watch the gunner waste all of his ammo, seeing as how if you have max saber defense and are in light, you can almost never get it if you are standing still. You just reflect all of the shots right back at the gunner, either the people you are killing with the E-11 and Pistol are either totally incompetent or completely retarded, I mean, have to press 1 button and just stand still.

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Absorb only drains mana if you are using it and nobody is using force powers on you. You can turn it off, then use speed, catch up to the dark side player and throw your saber into his back. You can pull him to the ground or you can push him to the ground as well. Force protect and heal will counter dark rage with a gun. And by your wussy logic I could just run away from that too.

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be nice to play against you guys, then. I'd like to see skills this elite in action.


I have limited experience using the E-11....usually when my gun gets pulled away I switch to the Flechette gun (or to the repeater otherwise). Both weapons kill in a couple seconds or less generally when the firing rate is doubled so generally my opponents don't get a second chance at pull. But it worked when I tried it. I had run out of metallic bolt ammo and someone who I just killed respawned. I zapped em with the E-11 before they could even get out their lightsaber...


That's why the strategy of changing to light stance and standing still often doesn't work...you might be dead before you even hit the stance change key.


There's also the rocket launcher...spam with that aiming at the floor and he probably won't be able to push all the rockets away. It can literally backfire on you so I prefer to use the repeater or fletchette weapon, however.


Dark rage is basically a kamakaze move, don't get me wrong. I *do* eventually die when I run out of ammo or it wears off. I just usually take 3-4 or so players with me. And yes, often I die to stunts or get killed by a saber move. Just rage lets me get a bunch of kills first...


Especially with speed on, I can charge in before anyone can react.

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Here's how to do the strong stance special move...


I'm running towards my opponent with the forward key press down, then I press the attack key which creates a downward slash, as I'm about halfway or near the end of the swing I press the jump key. This works even if no one is around you.


Btw, I don't see what's the big deal about telling other people how to do the special moves. It's in the manual but sometimes the directions are confusing. That's why I came onto this forum asking how to do the special move for the medium stance. The reason I asked and I'm sure others too is because we've seen it done in MP games and we say to ourselves... WOW... how you do that? People would just snicker at you and say they'll never tell. Sheesh! Everyone it's just a game. It's not like some nuclear secret that you can't tell for fear of being killed. Or are you afraid that once they know they'll use it against you? Well, IMHO if two players have the same knowledge and he beats you fair and square... then he's just a better (or lucky) player then you. Hats off to the guy!

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Dark Rage is worthless. I can avoid dark jedi's with that so easily, then I just wait for it to drain and throw my saber right at their hear or go in for a ****ty little strike since your health is so low.


Absorb can beat any dark power, especially Lightening!


You don't need to be in light stance to block all the hits, I usually stay in medium and I block everything.

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Originally posted by Habeed

To the above : a good saberist can beat anyone with a gun? How? From my experience, dark rage means Mr. saber dude is DEAD before he gets close enough. Even without alt repeater spam, the REGULAR repeater fire is a friggin chaingun when dark rage is on. You can mow down anyone with it. Or use the E-11 if the saberist pulled away your repeater...with dark rage the E-11 alt fire can mow anyone down in an instant. Heck even the pistol is deadly if he took the above two guns away since dark rage is double firing rate.


lvl 3 sabre defence makes the sabre user immune to everything excluding flechete gun, alt fire on repeater, rocket launcher, DEMP 2. as long as he's facing the gunner.


As for absorb, it eats up the mana so I just run away as a dark side player and come back when you run out of mana. I then proceed to drain you every 5 seconds or so ensuring I always have full health and you have no mana.


that is if you don't you kill yourself from all the deflected bolts.


Look, I'm not a lamer. Just when I play a game, I'm going to use strategies that allow ME to win. Sure, in some games *I* don't do too well using strategies that others can win (my aim is not that quick so I usually do badly with a sniper rifle). When I play a no force duel server I get pasted quite often with the super strong swing (though I didn't know what it was...just that I'd have 100 health and full shields and suddenly be dead). So I want to compete, so I'm asking how do execute the move.


you just sound like any other spamming lamer that lives on FFA servers.


the move is in the manual, and you shouldn't have told everyone how well you spam and lamer everyone in a FFA server, majority of people rather dislike lamers whose tactics in FFA solely involves the spamming function on the alt repeater rifle.

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Question: Why is using one saber move "idiotic" and "newbie-ish," while shooting the "same gun" over and over and over is not considered "idiotic" and "newbie-ish?"


I'm not trying to start a flame war here, just something for you to think about before you start insulting everyone that likes the heavy stance.


And it's funny that a "newbie" would be using this move, yet a "newbie" would probably be up at the top of the list with kills because of this "newbie" move. Aren't "newbies" usually at the bottom with no kills? Or is that where all you "veterans" like to hang out now? Boy, things sure have changed in FFA games... newbies get the most kills, and vets get the fewest.



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what's the big deal about telling people how to use the one hit kill.....it's on page 23 of the manual after all......and it's not like it's hard to avoid it or anything.....jsut move away from them....it takes forever to use it so when they start it get the hell outta their way and smoke em while they're doing the part where their crouching

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