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Tired or running around flailing like a madman???

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Would you try the game at a slightly slower speed?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you try the game at a slightly slower speed?

    • Yes, I prefer the more precise saber duels and battles.
    • No, I prefer the fast deathmatch action.
    • Haven't tried it but I want to.
    • I don't know what you are talking about.

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Then get your server admin to turn the g_speed down to 200 or so.


It defaults at 250 I think.


Slow it down to 200 and you get much more realistic saber duels this includes...


actual blocking,

less flailing around cause you can target your enemy,

cinematic looking fights ala the movies

less quake deathmatch type feel.


Try it out you might like it.

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And all it does is slow down the people spinning around like whirling dervishes hoping for a hit.


I did this for awhile last night on me and my girlfriends server and while its relatively interesting, it does nothing for saber fighting in all honesty.


Screws up most players timing for the first few minutes, making usually skilled saberists kill themselves out of pure miscalculation.


Lets be flat out honest. The game default is 250, the leagues will play at the game defaults, they always have. So if your going to join a 1 vs 1 sabers league or anything of the type, your just screwing yourself by playing this way.


You don't flail around like a madman because the server speed is set to 250. You flail around like a madman because you refuse to sit still and let your opponent open himself up to your attacks.


Speed changing is useless. Learn to play well at the default settings.

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Hey I agree to a point...I know there won't be a mass exodus to play the game slightly slower. I think it does make it a bit more fun though... Who knows maybe this is something that wasn't beta tested. Tons of games have speed issues upon release which are then either toned down or ramped up (or both if you played Tribes 2).


Consider this...


by setting the game to g_speed 200


your rolls are about sidesteps away, enough to move out of the way of an attack but not half way across the room where both of you have to RE-initiate combat.


you don't run 25 miles per hour, this alone I think constitutes the abundance of the close-your-eyes-and-swing-wildly attitude.


attacks are more visible in a fray, more blocks, better aimed shots.


Lastly, I think they are much more fun to watch.


Don't get me wrong...I mostly play at default speed, I have no problem with it and I will continue to play even if the default speed is forever locked into the game. I was just pointing out that I find it enjoyable to play a slightly slower paced game sometimes and that other might also.

Just my opinion.

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I run my server with g_speed 200 plus I have removed some of the lame quake weapons. And yes it is more fun for me and the people who play on my server. The reduced speed does give you more control. I don't really care that the default speed is 250... 200 should have been default IMO. The rolls are better, aiming with the saber and making the right attacks is easier since you don't move so fast. And for the league... well I couldn't care less. I play for fun... nothing else. I play on the ladder in Tribes 2 ... a real team game. JK2 is just not interesting as a league game IMO. But it's fun ;) with speed 200 :p

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**SIGH**:rolleyes: -All this does is slow down the freakin' running,strafing,&rolling speeds! Saber/fighting speeds is still the same ya freakin' Einstiens.-I tried it at 200 and 225. Well, it felt extremely imbalanced and I felt like I had somebody holding me in the back of my shirt:p -The short time I tried it, it totally screwed me up when I went to a server using the def. speed! -If you mengs play with this, you will just screw yourselves playwise!:rolleyes: If the game speed and the saber/fighting speeds were adjusted equally, then I might possibly see where this would benefit. But just adjusting the gamespeed not along with the saber-speed is just plain stupid and pointless.

.........just my .02 S!TH-Sense;)

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I don't think there is anything inherently wrong with the saber speeds...just the movement speeds. yeah you run slower but so does everyone...actually at a more manageable clip.


yeah it'll throw my timing off a normal game somewhat but then again, I'm in it for the fun.

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Honestly, while I prefer precise sabre battles, I don't think this'll do it. I haven't tried it, but from what I saw, the default speed is roughly the same as the SP speed. So, the real problem seems to be the collision detection, which is mostly nonexistent, and the general sluggishness and imprecision of sabre moves. Until they fix that and the gun balance issues, I'm uninstalling this game and going back to RTCW for my multiplayer fix. Right now, this game is just Q3A with some star wars guns and force powers. And sabre combat is a joke.

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True, the default setting might be 250, and be the only thing really used during major events...


But I am definatley going to try this out riiiight now. I think the saber fights in episodes IV-VI were awesome. In Episode one, man, thats not going to be possible in a game for quite a bit, its running around flailing like mad, yet blocking and feinting added in. The default setting I would say is closer to EP I, but its still just doesnt have the 'right' feel to it.


Anyway, before I can come up with a real opinion on the matter, I must go try it out, so im off.

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