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That damn saber throw!


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I am fully aware that this subject has been breached before, but I feel that I have to take it up again.


I am certain that I am not the only one who absolutely hates *morons* who, in a duel or otherwise, only use the god forsaken saberthrow. Fine, I use it sometimes but it has been known to happen that I use the OTHER mousekey too. Yes indeed there are another button you can use in combat (this is for all of you who haven't noticed the fact) you can even use it to make more attacks (I won't tell you now since I don't want to confuse you too much).


Where was I? Oh yes the moronic sabre throwers, I am not bi7ching about people using the throw, what I am bi7ching about is the fact that there are people who use that and only that in a fight, sure it can be countered and dealt with but it doesn't change the fact that such a fight is damn boring. Except for the one throwing the saber, of course.


Like today, I was in a fight and all the guy kept doing was rolling left or right and a throw now and again. But I have to admitt that he was good at it though.


Anyway, what are your thoughts on this?

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I've found that 'pressing' them will force them to try something else. If I don't give them the chance to get their 'mana' back up, they can't throw...if they take the 'run away' route at that point, I turn off my saber and taunt. I also have '...You move like a Pregnant Yak..." bound to a handy key. Most respond to that....:D

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