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Counters Against Push


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really depends on how close you are and where they are using it, but let say you are close to them and on a map like ctf NS STreet. catwalk map. the best counter is to do nothing at all and let them use all thier force power. just make sure you are facing them and when they stop or seem to have stop run up to them and jumpkick them. this works really well or continue to stand there and then when they run towards you, use force pull and move to the side, this will throw them off the ledge. if they land in front of you just hack em with your saber. (make sure they fell down first though). best defense though is run up to them and jumpkick them. they will never expect hit. just run at them and when right next to them hit the jump button real quick.

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If you have to get to someone on a catwalk map and they are pushing, simply put points into the absorb power and all his attempts to push you will be useless. Be aware that this only works while you've got force power left to maintain your absorb. The best thing to do is realize the different times you are weak.


Standing Still - Force Push does very little

Running - Force push does a little

Swinging - Force push works very well

Jumping / midair - Force push makes you FLY away!


Be smart. Thinking is the best way to win in this game.



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also make yourself a hard target to attack, move around so that they can't push you easily.....and of course....don't click the attack button if you are busy fighting somebody trying to push you


and the main one: don't stay near the edges if you can, if you get pushed to the edges run as far away from them as possible as fast as possible

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