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CHEATS i H8 'em. aslo im gonna talk about Duels on MP

Lost Welshman

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HI im back in another thread that no-ones gonna reply 2 cos u h8 me.


down to buisness


have you noticed those players that cheat, they mke only their hands visable and some times they have their head missing.

I know how to do this but i dont ever use it to earn point or to get away from people, just for fun.

also there was this 1 guy [TEAM] Animal Planet he had about 20 kills in a matter of minutes, everytime you got near him it started to lag mut he seems fine if you watch from a distance, is there a way of stopping this.


Also i h8 n00bs that either have no idea wot sabers are or obviously dont know how to change from strong stance, they must think there r good because the only move they know kills with one hit.


and im suprised at the amount of people that dont use light force powers. I personally love to see a jedi turn invisable, then i grap them (accidentaly) and hang them over the edge of a platform or cliff, then they turn visable at the last point b4 they drop MWA HA HA HA, wot do u think shoulf there be better light force powers or not?

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I have no respect for you, or anyone else of your kind. Learn english, grow some skill, stop whining.



Its a sad reality that you are allowed to "speak" anywhere, let alone a forum, where actual "thought" must take place and be conveyed. Lag is just simply lag, no matter what you do you can not change this. The guys owning you with strong attack, are simply better than you, most of the skilled people in this game use that if you havent noticed. Im not quite sure what you meant about your "light side" rant, but i use light side and i dont have a problem with dark users.


Seriously, your post is insanely useless, im sorry i even replied...since we "h8" you anyways...

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notice hes called SILENT wolf.

and wot r u having a go at me for, ill have u kno im one of the best out there, those newbies dont kill me, they just get annoyin cos im always rollin round and dodgin them, and it wasnt just lag believe me wenevr ppl fought him there ping went to 999 and then wen it goes back to normal they were dead, if you watch from far away you see this happn more clearly. and people dont OWN me as u say, the only thing they own is the right for me to kill them so shut up.


*whispers to himslef*ha thatll teach ya to mess with a Sith Lord, please dont read this, hey shouldnt that go to the start, oops im saying wot i think HELP

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Originally posted by Lost Welshman

notice hes called SILENT wolf.

and wot r u having a go at me for, ill have u kno im one of the best out there, those newbies dont kill me, they just get annoyin cos im always rollin round and dodgin them, and it wasnt just lag believe me wenevr ppl fought him there ping went to 999 and then wen it goes back to normal they were dead, if you watch from far away you see this happn more clearly. and people dont OWN me as u say, the only thing they own is the right for me to kill them so shut up.


*whispers to himslef*ha thatll teach ya to mess with a Sith Lord, please dont read this, hey shouldnt that go to the start, oops im saying wot i think HELP


....... you are a moron... just stop talking. ...

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

I have no respect for you, or anyone else of your kind. Learn english, grow some skill, stop whining.



Its a sad reality that you are allowed to "speak" anywhere, let alone a forum, where actual "thought" must take place and be conveyed. Lag is just simply lag, no matter what you do you can not change this. The guys owning you with strong attack, are simply better than you, most of the skilled people in this game use that if you havent noticed. Im not quite sure what you meant about your "light side" rant, but i use light side and i dont have a problem with dark users.


Seriously, your post is insanely useless, im sorry i even replied...since we "h8" you anyways...


It takes skill to do the one-hit/one-kill move? Really?


Strong stance has longer range and more power. The lighter the stance the more skill it takes to kill.

You have to get in closer and get more hits in.


Strong stance is for the n00bs and the one-hit/one-kill is for pathetic players.

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a strong swing also takes forever to complete and backflipping away from it is pretty easy...

its fair--who cares? just play. if they hit you, you die---that's part of the game. if they miss however, you can hack at em for a while they recover from the swing...i dont see the problem.

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