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Nar Shadda Impossible Jump


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I am in Nar Shadda Streets. I'm at the place where you have to jump onto the moving craft as it wobbles around after you kill the 3 guys on it.


Is there some special trick to this? I've tried it 50 times without success. I'm on the very edge of the ledge; any more and I fall off, and I hold down the jump button. I ALMOST make it every time.


Any suggestions? I'm tearing my hear out! Thanks.:(

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yeah--i feel your pain. gues what i was trying to do? i was trying to jump onto the traffic from the bridge that collapsed-i was trying to jump onto the skycar as it wizzed by...i finally hit it only to become road kill...


to answer your question, you have to watch it...it has a pattern. its a 3d movement, it hovers up, down, towards and away from you so you have to make the jump when it is low and close to you. its not easy, but it really shouldnt be extraordinarily difficult for you, perhaps you are not jumping from the right place? drop down into the building with the sky lights -- i will assume you know where this is--find the right most window, break it, and jump across to another ledge. walk around it and get as close to the hover ship as possible.

hope this helps

good luck!


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Maybe I don't get it. Everyone thinks this is easy? Where exactly do you jump from? I went to the room with the skylights, broke the right one, jumped onto the ledge, and then walked around to the very edge. Right where I want to be, there's a pillar kind of in the way (on the edge of the building). Do I need to be on the right or left of this pillar? Could I maybe have killed the guys in the car too early, and the craft is further away than it might be if it had come closer?

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Hmmm, it sounds like your in the correct place. I believe you stay on the left side of the pillar and then wait for the craft to hover closer to you. Take a small running start at it. If you are in the correct spot, you should make it fairly easily. It just a timing thing. Good luck.:c3po:

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