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Is the game burnable?


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Ok, well I tried to burn the game the other day because, well my parents are divorced so I've been having to keep bringing the CD back and forth. Its getting old and I often forget.


So I tried to burn the CD and I could burn it and all, but when I try to put it in the CD ROM and run it, I get the insert the CD error.


Anyway that any of you have found out on how to format the CD or something so the game recgonizes it?


BTW - Sorry if this is in the wrong forum, couldn't decide if it was tech help or not :rolleyes:

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Yeah, you can burn it. Try making an ISO or CD-image of the disc first, on to your HDD. From your HDD burn from that CD-image back onto a CD.


You can do that with [a program]...do a search for it on google.com

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Originally posted by Foxbatkllr

The CD is burnable, I burnt a perfect copy for backup. However, don't try to install it on another computer. I've heard people complaining on this forum that they couldn't play MP after they installed it on two computers.


Worked fine for me when I tested my backup copy.

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