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1st person view with saber in MP

Evil Jeff

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like I said before, if there is the demand, and ESPECIALLY if mr jeff is a programmer, it shouldn't be hard to make a mod that does exactly what you want,


"it would be harder to do and require more skill," well, sure, but I can't understand why you would want to make yourself learn to play with blinders on when you don't have to, this isn't a thing where you will do better with the blast sheild down,

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Seriously, is it possible for someone to post an opinion without getting flamed for it?


Personally, I wouldn't use first-person for sabers. I did in JK I, but I wouldn't here, now that I've gotten used to it in 3rd person.


But there's no need to flame those who'd like it...


Seriously, people post an idea and the first thing they hear is "OMFG ur so dumb so stfu"


None of us work for Raven, so for some of you to sit there and authoritatively say "Well, it won't work because..." is just ludicrous. Some of you might have an idea or two about programming, but you aren't in on this project...therefore your words are only speculation, not fact. You'd sound more credible if you said "I think this is why" rather than "This is why" ;)

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Okay, people, just calm down and try to respect each other's opinions. :cool:




You stated your opinion on the matter. If you don't like first person for saber (or any other melee) combat...that's your prerogative. Some people do, including me. Simply telling someone it doesn't work, and is effectively stupid, is just your opinion, to which you are entitled, but don't try to force it on others.


Evil Jeff


There is no need to insult another member for holding a particular view. If it's a choice between flaming someone and not responding, please choose the latter. :cool:


Now, as for the point you raised...yes, I too think it would be nice to have single-player saber combat. According to Gonk (he who knows all and does not tell) there are issues implementing that in this game - for whatever reason. It's unfortunate, because I believe you could use 1st person sabers in JK's MP. You can also go into 1st person view with RUNE SP, if you can put up with not being able to see your weapons. :rolleyes:


I always found that in JK's SP in 1st person saber combat, it was always more accurate - leading to better blaster bolt deflection, and more severed limbs. So in JK at least there were some advantages to using 1st person sabers.


The restricted view argument is pointless, because you walk around in 1st person as a gunner, and must still be situationally aware of your surroundings and other opponents. You don't necessarily have to show acrobatics in the 1st person view - Unreal Tournament does very well without it.


It would be interesting to learn the reason why it would not be possible to implement it properly in Jedi Outcast. If there is a serious issue...then simply telling someone to make a mod to do it won't suffice...because then the mod team would have to be better programmers than the development team to get something working that they could not.


Anyway, if it was possible as a mod, it's certainly one that I would consider using. To my mind, JK was all about choice in the way you could play...and Outcast has limited some of those choices to a certain extent.

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Can't roll, wall jump/walk.


For the heck of it, I played through the entire single player game in 1st person view only and not being able to use the acrobatics was very limiting and forced me to mainly use only one manuever, running backwards.


And that's not exactly the most convenient of choices when there are chasms everywhere.



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Stormhammer, wiser words I have not heard here in quite while. And I apologize to those that deserve it for the unrulyness of some of my posts. I was however, not bashing somebody's opinions, only their actions after their unwarranted and off topic opinions had been made more than clear a few times. With that said I'll go back to more important matters. I stand by my comments that these boards have gone to heck. Mostly because of their popularity and the fact they they draw so many obnoxious types that won't let anyone carry on a legitimate discussion anymore. Cya

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