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UPDATE: New look for Swamp Desann...


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Thanks to some feed back I belive I have improved greatly upon my original Swamp Desann which can be found in another thread.


I relize that the pictures will probally not show up for most so just follow these instructions to view them. Right click on the red X, go to properties, then look for the Address (URL) line and copy the web address. Paste that into your address bar and hit enter, the picture should appear.






Yet again, please give your thoughts on this skin.


I give all credit of the original model/ skin of Desann to the fine skinners over at Raven, I do not claim to have created the whole skin by myself, I merely made some modifications to better serve my view of the character Desann.

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great! you changed everything i would have. plus much better quality pictures (or maybe now its just dark in my room so i can see the screen).


good attention to detail in colouring, and not having it all sloppy.



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