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This is a must read for those of 'honor'...


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I must start off by saying that I am puzzled by this sudden evolution of 'honor'. Some are things that I once thought were common courtesy, others are puzzling within themselves. In the context of 'honor' I must say I too have a code of honor. It is very different from some of the things I have seen but it is my code of honor.


As I must start from some point I will start with the fact that I do not bow before a duel. I find it offensive when someone does so because I fail to see how squatting before me upon the beginning of a dueling is giving me any respect. You that do bow before a duel must see it differently so I will respect your code of honor, as I hope you respect mine.


I figure if you can do it in the game, it goes. If the game lets you do something right out of the box in multiplay I don't think I will limit myself to not doing something. I am not using a cheat program or anything, I am simply doing what Raven is letting me do. If Raven later does not want me to do so, they will not let me do so with a patch of some kind. I hate being called a cheater if I throw someone off a ledge with push for example. I don't understand why Raven would give me a ledge and the ability to push someone off of it if they didn't want me to. You may find it honorable to not throw me off a ledge, but please don't call me a cheater just because I too have found my own sense of honor.


I see some people that include always saying "good game" after a battle in their personal honor system. I figure that is just being nice, and being a good sport.


Among my own honor code I find that fun is the most important thing. That is the reason I spent 50 dollars on the game; that is the reason I loaded the game; that is the very reason I play the game; with people half-way across the world no less. I want to have fun. I want others to have fun, and I don't believe limiting myself to the norm for an honor system will add or take away any of that fun. Which is why I want all of you to consider this before you try and bash me for having a subsistant honor system. This is my honor code and I have decided to honor your honor code. It would make you no less than a hypocrite to not respect my honor code when I respect yours.


I simply want to have fun and if you bash me about not bowing or anything else, I wont be having that fun. Getting bashed is not fun, for any reason. Especially when it is not constituted. thank you for taking the time to listen.

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I fully agree! I get tired of all these cries of "honor" and "cheating" just play the $#%@ game and have fun, go gripe to someone who cares! And another thing, don't come up to me and squat down and take a #$@% at my feet, just walk up to me and fight me like a Jedi!

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Excellant, much easier read.


Though I don't think you have an honour code, you just have a style of play, which you have every right too. This Honour stuff is just boring and way out of context.


If people want this honour stuff then they should adapt the program too it, thats the only way because the program does not support it. If others want to hunt this honour stuff, then thats not an honour code, thats a preference.


If I suppose you name a server with a code that says its only for this style of play then thats good enough as a mod, they just can't get pissed off at people who don't follow it, cause not all will not it... cause its not supported.


I have no Honour code (he he, as if you couldn't figure that), I also play for fun. If someone 'spoils' it on a public server or their own or someone elses, then thats tuff. Unfortunate yes.


From what I've seen from the other Honour code stuff, its just a bunch of people who want to play a certain way and find others, they 'ask' that people respect that code stuff if they are on a public server but when it comes down to it they shouldn't expect it. Nor should the first thing from them be abuse. They are changing something they don't own so they cannot be angry at anyone for not wanting that change.


Thats my rant, I've done it before. Probably keep doing it....


I'd love the word Honour banned from these forums.:) ..or honor, whereever your from. Or however its spelt..

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This whole thing about honor really makes no sense to me also. I feel that the game gives you what it gives you so that you can use it if you want to. I guess my "honor" is that I will use ANY AND ALL means available to me, and I TOTALLY EXPECT my opponents TO DO THE SAME. This is how I have the most fun, as it takes the most concentration and thought and awareness to be successful.


I will push you off the ledge as often as I want - its your fault for not seeing it coming. Likewise, I expect you to push me off any chance you get - its my fault for not knowing what was coming.


If you are standing around doing nothing, I have no qualms about killing you. If I am standing around doing nothing, I will have no problem with you killing me.


There is a dueling mode - if you want to duel, use it. If you aren't you are all fair game.


If I have a good time, I'll make it known. If I dont, I'll leave.


I will not tolerate anyone coming into a game -- knowing what the settings are -- trying to change the rules to abide by their special "honor code". If the majority of the game is made of people abiding by the code - I still won't abide. I will follow the rules set by the ADMINISTRATOR and noone else.


I won't be rude with my speech though, and I expect that you will not be rude to me becuase you think "I'm a lamer."


I had thought of more stuff to say, but I had to do something, and forgot it. Oh well, I think this pretty much covers it.

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my two cents:


i have a mix of honour systems. i say good fight when someone puts up a good fight, i say good kill when someone kills me. i even have these bound, because i like to be nice and let people know when i respect their skill.



i've been known to kick at least one person from my server for bouncing around continually chopping down in heavy stance, because it got very boring very fast.


and i (gasp) GRIP AND THROW PEOPLE OFF LEDGES. if people are too lazy to do the same to me, they're the ones goin down into the bespin mind shafts. not me. if they don't want to push me away, that's their problem. things like that are in the game for FUN. i don't whine when people grip me and throw ME off ledges.

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i basically follow the "saberist code" and i make sure to either give somebody a tip, tell them it was a good fight (even if i lose) comment on a good move they did or something like that......and if their really good i see if they want to join the clan i'm working on or if they want to be one of my contacts on msn aim or icq......i try to conduct myself in a way that everybody will have fun in the game....unless their going around being a cheap bastard by attacking people with their sabers off or just plain old annoying everybody and then i'll call a vote to kick them

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Everybody has thier own views on gameplay. I respect yours so please respect mine. That is all I ask. If you don't agree with the points made within the SC honor code then thats fine. Just don't bash others for agreeing with it and trying to play with more depth to their JK2 gaming experience. For those of us following this code, we will respect each other according to this code. Those that don't, I will play you like any other player. If some of you feels the immature need to purposely gang u on and go after SC players then you're just showing your kiddie age/mentality. Respect our views and we'll respect yours. Plain&Simple!;):)

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

Everybody has thier own views on gameplay. I respect yours so please respect mine. That is all I ask. If you don't agree with the points made within the SC honor code then thats fine. Just don't bash others for agreeing with it and trying to play with more depth to their JK2 gaming experience. For those of us following this code, we will respect each other according to this code. Those that don't, I will play you like any other player. If some of you feels the immature need to purposely gang u on and go after SC players then you're just showing your kiddie age/mentality. Respect our views and we'll respect yours. Plain&Simple!;):)


i agree, the main "honour" code that i won't respect is the ASC because it's just childish

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

....unless their going around being a cheap bastard by attacking people with their sabers off or just plain old annoying everybody and then i'll call a vote to kick them


I believe that you are expressing 'cheap' from your point of view, not everyone elses.


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Nothin' wrong with pushing people. Somethin' wrong with blanket lightning/drain, or those idiotic bouncing balls of energy that run around swinging wildly, but push is something basic, and if you're stupid enough to jump near a ledge, you're going over.

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom

i basically follow the "saberist code" and i make sure to either give somebody a tip, tell them it was a good fight (even if i lose) comment on a good move they did or something like that......and if their really good i see if they want to join the clan i'm working on or if they want to be one of my contacts on msn aim or icq......i try to conduct myself in a way that everybody will have fun in the game....unless their going around being a cheap bastard by attacking people with their sabers off or just plain old annoying everybody and then i'll call a vote to kick them


See that is the problem though. You say you have an honor system for yourself but then people with other honor systems you call cheap bastards. Just because he chooses to kill no matter what because the game allows him to doesn't mean that that isn't a part of his honor system. He may find honor differently then you but you call him a cheap bastard. The whole point of the game is action and if you get killed while typing you must realize that you are in the middle of a battle field. And for all you realist out there tell me does an invading force into a third world country stop invading when the third world country says they need to pause the war for a second. All is fair in love and war and this is war. You may go ahead and not kill someone while they are just standing there with their sabre down, and i respect that, but you must respect the other persons that chooses to strike you down. He does it for the sake of the game, and for the sake of fun. And tell me does that kill really destroy the fun. Even if it happens 2 or 3 times, are you going to destroy the JK2 cd as if it were to say aol on it? Take pride in your honor system if that is what you want to call it. And Also take pride in that of others, NO MATTER what shape it comes in.

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

Everybody has thier own views on gameplay. I respect yours so please respect mine. That is all I ask. If you don't agree with the points made within the SC honor code then thats fine. Just don't bash others for agreeing with it and trying to play with more depth to their JK2 gaming experience. For those of us following this code, we will respect each other according to this code. Those that don't, I will play you like any other player. If some of you feels the immature need to purposely gang u on and go after SC players then you're just showing your kiddie age/mentality. Respect our views and we'll respect yours. Plain&Simple!;):)


Exactly man! Spot on. Respect. That is what I am here preaching. I have in no way made fun of anyones code of honor here. If I have I promise you I have no knowledge of that fact. The only thing I know is that when you call someone a cheap bastard for what they believe in, or honor as you call it, you are becoming the hypocrite I don't want you to become. Respect, people. Come now its not that hard. We are all different and respect is key to get along.


Oh and btw if I have offended anybody I would like to apologize. I do not think I have but I want to cover all bases.

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You may go ahead and not kill someone while they are just standing there with their sabre down, and i respect that, but you must respect the other persons that chooses to strike you down. He does it for the sake of the game, and for the sake of fun.

....Tell me Wilco, what kind of personal gratification can you achieve from killing a unarmed/immobile player knowing you have just scored a totally cheapunchallenging, and unearned point?

-That's just freakin' lame!

For all of you L-A-M-E-R no-skillz players out there that think its amusing/gratifying to cheap-kill immobile or unarmed players.

-Learn some gameplay skillz and a big huge STFU to ya!!;)

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

You may go ahead and not kill someone while they are just standing there with their sabre down, and i respect that, but you must respect the other persons that chooses to strike you down. He does it for the sake of the game, and for the sake of fun.

....Tell me Wilco, what kind of personal gratification can you achieve from killing a unarmed/immobile player knowing you have just scored a totally cheapunchallenging, and unearned point?

-That's just freakin' lame!

For all of you L-A-M-E-R no-skillz players out there that think its amusing/gratifying to cheap-kill immobile or unarmed players.

-Learn some gameplay skillz and a big huge STFU to ya!!;)


Congradulations, you just dragged this conversation down with your well thought out post.

Think about it, was that a decent post. You expressed your point of view, then when others disagree, you said that. Now compare you degrading this with insults to a person running through a game hacking and slaying everything. Including a person standing there.


Good one!


How bout having a go and editing it. Just try it

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I think there are certain conventions that should be followed to ensure that everybody has a good time.


And another thing, don't come up to me and squat down and take a #$@% at my feet, just walk up to me and fight me like a Jedi!

I won't squat, maybe look down in a slight bow if they bow to me, and if they sit there for 15 minutes, just have taunt bound to a key and taunt them and re-ignite your saber. If people are bowing make sure it's quick. There's nothing more aggrivating than sitting in a packed duel server watching two Jedi staring at the ground like it's some sort of miracle (okay Raven, sorry, the textures are cool)


Saying "good fight" and "nice move" where applicable just lets the other person know that you've enjoyed the fight, and if they kill you with a brilliant strategy.


I'm not against been hurled off a ledge if I'm stupid enough to be caught in a position to do so, but I think what most people hate is when people camp and Force push people off the ledges and do nothing else. I mean, come on, use your imagination a bit.


I'm not against gun usage (though I think it's weird that you need Force points for saber skill and not with guns, giving gunners an advantage) as long as the gunners don't overuse the one weapon. There's 8 guns/launchers and 3 explosives. The score's useless if all you've done is spam the map with explosives. I respect skill over scores. That goes for spinning saberists too.


The basic gist is that little things like that will make the game more enjoyable for those who participate (and spectate).



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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

You may go ahead and not kill someone while they are just standing there with their sabre down, and i respect that, but you must respect the other persons that chooses to strike you down. He does it for the sake of the game, and for the sake of fun.

....Tell me Wilco, what kind of personal gratification can you achieve from killing a unarmed/immobile player knowing you have just scored a totally cheapunchallenging, and unearned point?

-That's just freakin' lame!

For all of you L-A-M-E-R no-skillz players out there that think its amusing/gratifying to cheap-kill immobile or unarmed players.

-Learn some gameplay skillz and a big huge STFU to ya!!;)


And here I thought you were getting it. The point is not the action, but the respect between people's beliefs. If he believes that killing an unarmed person will make him feel better than neither of us can stop him. The fact is that no matter what it is, there has to be a mutual respect between that honor. And right now by calling that person a lamer, whoever he is, you aren't showing him an respect. The sooner you realize that it is irrelevant what the honor or moral code is the sooner you realize the whole point of this thread. What people do is what they do. If it isn't right then Raven will take notice and stop it at the source. Which just happens to be the source code of the game. I have referred to it as 'honor' for quite a while so people would recognize what I am talking about but what it all really is (and i mean all of it), is simply this: style. Whatever style you play is how you do it. The game allows a person to be killed while in the console or typing something for a reason or none. And for that reason that it is in fact a part of the game I will take whatever actions needed to win. Not cheating, but what the game allows. If you can't respect my style, or anyone elses, then why should I respect yours? Tell me that right now.

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

You may go ahead and not kill someone while they are just standing there with their sabre down, and i respect that, but you must respect the other persons that chooses to strike you down. He does it for the sake of the game, and for the sake of fun.

....Tell me Wilco, what kind of personal gratification can you achieve from killing a unarmed/immobile player knowing you have just scored a totally cheapunchallenging, and unearned point?

-That's just freakin' lame!

For all of you L-A-M-E-R no-skillz players out there that think its amusing/gratifying to cheap-kill immobile or unarmed players.

-Learn some gameplay skillz and a big huge STFU to ya!!;)


If you are on a server, you have no business being immobile and unarmed. The only time you should be immobile and unarmed is while you are posting something on this messageboard... if you are on a server, play the game.


If I don't kill the moron sitting on a spawn point with his saber off, someone else will... so it might as well be me getting the points.




p.s. People who do this, like myself, do not nessesarily have any lack of "skillz". We just don't get caught up in the "live action role playing" that a lot of the people on this forum do. Go wrap a peice of PVC with padding and duct tape and let me play my game.

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....Tell me Wilco, what kind of personal gratification can you achieve from killing a unarmed/immobile player knowing you have just scored a totally cheapunchallenging, and unearned point?

-That's just freakin' lame!

For all of you L-A-M-E-R no-skillz players out there that think its amusing/gratifying to cheap-kill immobile or unarmed players.

-Learn some gameplay skillz and a big huge STFU to ya!!


Really, S!th, what's the game about?


Spending your entire life trying to figure out how to "kill" every other guy in a game, and stressing over it every single time you "die" or get killed?


Or is the purpose of the game


To just give everyone something that they can enjoy doing, regardless of their "skillz" or if they are "lame." I don't even understand why people think that being called a "lamer" affects them in any way/shape/form.


I mean there ARE people out there that may not have near the "skillz" that you do (obviously, I'm assuming that you have them), but thats becuase they aren't wasting their life trying to get some empty reputation at being a good game player. They are just trying to have fun, and aren't affected by being "killed." These people are the true masters of the game.

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Also let me use Chewie Bakker here as an example for a moment. If you mind too much Chewie ill get rid of this post.


Anyway he just stated all the things for him that he thought made the game fun. I don't agree with some of them and some of them I do. That point is irrelevant though. The whole point is that even though our view points are different I still respect his playing style and his opinion just because he has it. I am not going to make fun of him or anything because he has different views. Sure if he is standing still I may kill him. He may not like it but I will never make fun of him for not liking it. This is just an example. And hopefully he will respect the fact that I choose to kill him while he types or whatever. Not that he has to like it, but respect it would be nice. Because I respected him of course. It works the other way as well. I may for example not like getting drained all the time, but I respect the person doing it just because I want to be respected in return.


This comes down really to the whole point of thie whole thread....


Enough talk about honor and what should be right and what is honorable. Do what you do.

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