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This is interesting... (RTFM)


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I think I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this thread beforehand. I'm just way pissed. Before the game came out, I used to love reading through these message boards. Everyone getting all excited. Now they just aren't the same. I don't know what it is. Wait...IT'S ALL THE DAMN PEOPLE WITH THE WAREZ VERSION. I hate you. You know who you are. You can always tell these people because they are the ones that find the new moves. You know, the ones that are clearly stated multiple times in the manual that only comes with a purchased version of the game. I see so many questions or "discoveries" about things that are in the manual that I'm getting pissed. I can't even read this stuff anymore. People should buy the game. Goddam. Ok, I'm done.

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I totally agree that people should buy the game. No one buying games=no more people making them. I have friends in the biz working at Turbine and another for a company coming out with an Alien vs Predator RTS game... and I would one day love to work on the art team of a game company... so morally I have to support the industry.


However, don't jump to the conclusion that all these people have warez. I had a friend who used to buy a game, start playing immediately and never even glance at the manual... he'd just throw it out with the box. I never understood it but he found joy in figuring it all out for himself.

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yes yes we all hate the people wit the warez version, but luckily raven will probably have some trick up their sleeve when the first patch comes out making their pirated copies useless.....but its a little late to post this thread...we got done with the hatred for warez posts a week after the game was released....

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the thing is even when they dont come out and say it they are so easy to spot, cant remember his name or id post it (not that it matters names are so easily changed)


Exact transcript of the conversation, i kid you not.


warezguy: how do you jump heaps high?


Darksider: *cough* first you buy the game, then you RTFM


warezguy: ha yeah or you could just tell me


Darksider: No, no im not going to be doing that.


warezguy: f*ck you f*cking f*ggot tell me u suck


Darksider: No.


at this point pretty much everyone on the server turned on him, luckily nobody was stupid enough to tell him

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Codemasters left me with a Moral Dilemma when the released Operation Flashpoint... I hate Codemaster's.. ever since they dropped the Navy Seal project, but Op flashpoint looked so good.


But anyway, onto the point at hand. With Operation Flashpoint, you need an original CD to play the game, unless you install the crack.. but by doing so you are then unable to update the game using the patches, because the patch detects a change in the .exe.


You also, need the original CD in the drive to be able to update the game. Meaning you need to purchase the game in order to be able to update.


Perhaps all games companies need to come up with new ways of preventing Piracy such as the one above.. sure they will all have one or two ways around it... but its better than nothing, right?

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Every game needs a killer multiplayer prevention like WON [Half-Life] uses...


"warezguy: how do you jump heaps high?


Darksider: *cough* first you buy the game, then you RTFM "


I have no idea what you're talking about. What's RTFM?


EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. Read the F***ing Manual.

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Originally posted by hahadude

Wait...IT'S ALL THE DAMN PEOPLE WITH THE WAREZ VERSION. I hate you. You know who you are. You can always tell these people because they are the ones that find the new moves. You know, the ones that are clearly stated multiple times in the manual that only comes with a purchased version of the game. I see so many questions or "discoveries" about things that are in the manual that I'm getting pissed.



You know, there are some people that are so moronic that they think all the legit game comes with is a cd and a few registration cards. Actual manuals are becoming rare these days (damn Adobe for inventing PDF's), and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people just opened the box, stuck their hand inside and fished out the cd without even looking at anything else, then tossed the box (with manual inside) in the trash. Finding people that actually read an entire manual front to back is even rarer. A large percentage of the people that do read manuals probably read the story and a bit about the basic controls.



Saying that everybody that doesn't know the special moves didn't buy the game and got a warezed copy is a gross generalization that points out your ignorance. You should think out your arguments before posting them.




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Schizo's right, in a rude kind of way.


Besides, the manual clearly states that the 1hit-kill move is attack+forward+jump in heavy stance, when in fact it's attack THEN forward and jump. I'll bet many people found that confusing and couldnt get it to work, because they kept doing all 3 things at once.

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I wasn't meaning to be rude, I've just been up too late. :)



I keep all my game boxes because a lot of them are works of art to me. Some people probably don't see any reason to keep the packaging around after they have the product. Would you keep a candy bar wrapper around in your pocket after you've eaten the candy bar?

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I could handle them not reading, if they at least payed attention to the menus and all, I mean it's pretty self explanatory...


I can't imagine people throwing out the box either, given, with these crappy ass little boxes, it's alot less of the "lets display how many games I have" feature, but I got the Collectors edition anyway, partially so I could have the display-able tin,

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Warez people suck. Plain and simple. If you are a kid or teen who wants the play then use your allowance, get a job, cut grass or whatever. If you are a "old" fart like me, well there is no excuse. I mean we are talking a big $50 here. :rolleyess


However, I must say that on more than one occasion I have been guilty of not reading the manual. Remember, real men do not read the manuals or ask for directions. Major requirements of life there. :D

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Besides, the manual clearly states that the 1hit-kill move is attack+forward+jump in heavy stance, when in fact it's attack THEN forward and jump. I'll bet many people found that confusing and couldnt get it to work, because they kept doing all 3 things at once.


well oddly enough, when I want to do the SS attack, I just hit, jump forward attack, and then do that same move again just before my saber hits the ground, and it works every time.


I should add though, that that is in the MP, in SP I do it the same way, but it only works about half as often.


the purple one

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Not that I'm defending Warez owners but there is one thing that not many people paid attention to with the release of JK2 and that was the readme.txt.


All of the so-called secret moves which people found - like wall walking, rolling, "death from above" etc. were not documented in the manual, but were mentioned in the readme.txt which very few people read. Not something I would have done except that I was looking for some info about graphics cards and settings!


I personally only started to RTFM because of XW-A. I'd played every X-Wing game up until that time and thought I knew how to play it but I'd missed out on the commands they'd added because I didn't read the manual. I was getting owned on one or two of the levels until I foudn these commands and then game became so easy after that! Oh, and I have *never* owned a warez game.


I do think people should RTFM and I do think people should read the websites (both JKii.net and Raven's site had extracts from the readme about saber and acrobatic moves on the day the game was released!) before shouting out about secret moves and not knowing how to do stuff. But I don't think that you can really tell who's got a warez version from their questions.

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Unreal and Unreal Tournament did the same thing.

Epics the best. After their recent patch not only did they remove protection, but you dont have to have the CD in the drive to play.

If you could update it to that point, then you have to have the CD, or you have to be continually cracking it, and if your continually cracking it then this last bit of pirating protection isnt going to stop you.

Its so logical.


And Unreal 1 had virtually no pirating protection. Quote one of the epic guys when asked about copy protection:

"Well you have to have the game in the drive to play... and the game is 500mb" (this WAS when 56k modems were considered blazingly fast).


Of course their CD in drive bit could be coutnered by removing "Unreal:" from the CD path in the ini file.


What I wis hpeople would drop is the "you have to have the CD in the drive to play". Any half assed pirate is going to crack it, or copy the CD at least, so why make the rest of us keep our CD in there so that they can stop the 5 morons who would actually not pirate because of this.

Luckily, I have 2 CD-ROM drives :D

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Originally posted by GonkH8er

Schizo's right, in a rude kind of way.


Besides, the manual clearly states that the 1hit-kill move is attack+forward+jump in heavy stance, when in fact it's attack THEN forward and jump. I'll bet many people found that confusing and couldnt get it to work, because they kept doing all 3 things at once.

Actualy that is another special move in itself. Me and a friend tested it out on my server. Its says forward+attack+jump not attack+forward+jump and it does a different move. Its actualy a lil different in you have to hit forward attack jump extremely fast but not all at the same time. You will do something like a flying dive move and not a flip downward move. If done right it will do 100 health, so if you have 5 shields it should leave you with 5 health.

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I agree to a degree - HOWEVER (comma)




I think that getting a pirated copy of the game before you decide to buy is a valid thing. I don't know how many games I have bought where it turned out they completely stunk and I was not able to take them back due to the store policies. I think you should be able to pirate a game and check it out. If you really like it, buy that game to support development and refinement of the game.


It's sort of a double standard, but not everything can be a clear cut black and white case.

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Originally posted by Jiro Kage

I agree to a degree - HOWEVER (comma)




I think that getting a pirated copy of the game before you decide to buy is a valid thing. I don't know how many games I have bought where it turned out they completely stunk and I was not able to take them back due to the store policies. I think you should be able to pirate a game and check it out. If you really like it, buy that game to support development and refinement of the game.


It's sort of a double standard, but not everything can be a clear cut black and white case.


I agree in principle, but this is probably not practice. From an economist's perspective, markets are efficient for a number of reasons including PERFECT information. How many times have we bought games or saw movies that were just awful and a waste of money.


Playing a game to know you will like it is great and gives you that information you need to determine if it is worth your money. Of course that means you must trust the person who already downloaded the game to later buy what he already owns. I personally, would not trust such a system.


The solution? Demos. Not a perfect solution, but the most practical. Truthfully, the reason I bouth JK1 was because I was impressed with the demo.

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Originally posted by GreyJedi

The solution? Demos. Not a perfect solution, but the most practical. Truthfully, the reason I bouth JK1 was because I was impressed with the demo.


Exactly. I think Raven/LA messed up bigtime here.


If a friend of mine hadn't already brought this, and invited me over to 'check out this new game', I don't think I would have brought it. The screenshots and 'movies' just don't do it justice, imo.


As far as 'warez-ing', I really can't speak to it either way, due to my extensive MP3 collection.....;););)

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