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ATAT duel map teaser


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Looks very nice.


Turn Off snap to grid?... Cringe.. I always hose things up that way.


One quick question for you. Once in Radient, then upgraded to say Wolf Radient, or Jedi when it's released, you just turn it into a Wolf of Jedi file on the drop down menu and add entities and weapons right?

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infinity: super esb? nope. was that an SNES game?


kat: yeah the map file is the same for any game. you just do exactly what you said.


skellington: no theres really no map to model conversion. not that i've seen. sorry :(


ill keep my eyes open for one tho.



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L2.0 just sent me some schematics. its honestly the first good picture ive seen of the front of an ATAT. they also include a bunch of internal stuff, so yeah. that will all be quite helpful.


those of you upset with the imperfections, have no fear.



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D'akt Sangwar: I have a Star Wars Arcade machine, converted to the ESB version, you know the on with the green screen. Powered it up a few weeks ago (BrrrrrrrrrRRRRMMMMMM!) after not playing it for years, and my son has bee playing the hell out of it since. I had to stop playing it for fear of going blind. What a great kid!


Tems: It truly looks great. What kind of stuff can we expect on the inside anyways? Is there going to be enough room to get a good fight on in there if it's close to scale? Just thought it'd be cool. One of the Super Nes games had some pretty cool walkways at the AT-AT bay where the AT-AT's where parked (i guess is the word) and you would run through the At_AT's . Kinda cool anyways.

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as far as going inside, it looks like there will be the 2 floors, so force jumping is out of the question, but there should be enough room to duel.


im thinking i need to expand the map a bit. im thinking maybe a fallen atat w/ some snowspeeders wrecked around it and ppl fight on the ground etc. sort of a hoth aftermath type thing.


otherwise theres not enough space in the ATAT to fight and its too high to force jump from ground level.





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Hey! Sorry- got filled up with work today, do you still need the Tech?


As for map Idea: Try to make one with the shuttle-pad from Endor. That way you don't need to jump up to it.

For the Hoth-Theme you could make a tripped AT-AT that lies near by, that should do it (you can jump on it and from there up to the standing AT-AT... Elsewise go for one of these steam-jump-pads from JO...


EDIT: At the bottom of the Technical Commentaries I've posted before are some shots of AT-AT's from the front. Hopefully they can help you!


Did I say "GREAT work"? If not: GREEEAAT Work ;)

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What about a damaged AT-AT from the battle of Hoth? ist close to a snow mountain so you can jump to the AT-AT from the mountain or something like that and when you go inside the AT-AT there is blaster holes and the holes should be big enough so that you can se the outside environment. That would give the map an after war feeling and the damaged AT-AT should have quite a lot of blaster holes on its body.

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The new restructuring is a lot better. The first pic you posted on page 2 was a bit iffy, but the new one looks great. Lighten the gray a bit (not too much) and it's nearly spot on.


Are you intending to make it MP only or will there be a SP version!?

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acer/tim/tigris: perhaps a tripped ATAT that has a snow dune blown on one side from the winds. you can force jump up on the tripped one but if your force is kaput you can run up the dune. similary, if i did endor i could have a large fallen tree or somethign so it would require smaller force jumps.


ill figure something out. id kinda like to do Hoth cuz then i can have some snow speeder wreckage in there.


DL: no plans for a single player map, however that may change. i actually havent played single player past the first level. im more of an MP guy.


additionally im planning on releasing this as a map prefab, so otehr people will be able to use it in their SP maps.




[edit: ive been looking at the schematics of the front view. MAN them legs be skinny! thats gotta be sooome metal.]

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if you make an sp version I have an idea, remember ESB when lukes speeder is destroyed and he uses a cable to get to an AT-AT and destroy it with a bomb? you could make that the sp level. The player has to destroy a few AT-ATs before they reach the rebel base. The player should be able to enter the AT-ATs and kill the crew or just place a bomb in the AT-AT like Luke did.

It would also be cool if you could put in some flying snow speeders so the player feels that he is actually at the battle of Hoth. It's very hard to make this, I know but would be very cool!

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the legs are fixed. the structure is nearly complete.


i wont be using that texture. it looks ok there, but thats because i did a gamma effect on the screenshot. i havent made a tatooine skybox yet so the lighting is suboptimal.


i think i know what ill do w/ the verticality issue. ill show shots when i make some progress.


thanks for the comments



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now im not saying this is perfect. far from it. however, i'll be the first to admit (cuz coming from you it wouldnt be an admission) that they all were quite lacking before this. if the head looks a little big its just the perspective in game.




feedback please. i know its just one picture, but if theres somehting glaringly wrong, most of you are prolly enough of a fan that you'll see whats wrong.



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