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To Expect?


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Hey, good to hear that, Sanago. :)


You should expect a beautiful game that has moments of utter brilliance skattered throughout it's entirety but one that also has it's own negatives. "just a few, so don't get nervous" ;)


As for multiplayer, Don't use Drain like it's going out of style. :D




*hands Sanago an official Lucasforums welcome basket* :rhett:

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big games need broadband, but if ya got it... the ingame brouser makes it easy to find what you want.


hear *forks over lightsaber(re) candybar gift TM* enjoy and welcome to the fourms!


edit: i'd wait til after you get the saber in SP before going online. much better imho for the SP story. wont wreck the joy for you;)

remember "quick and easy the dark side is":yoda: dont give in to the MP's draw at first. remember"a jedi is at calm, peace.":yoda::D

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