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I did the butterfly and I know how!


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Vapor, I think I've done the cartwheel to, see my post a little ways up, and I was also attempting the downward medium stance slice. That still doesnt give use much to go on sadly, as it could be any combination of forward, jump, and attack.

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You cant do the the arial, butterfly or dodges unless you alter the animation.cfg period, I dont care how you think you are doing it different from anyone else. Anyone that says they are doing these 3 moves above are using an altered cfg file/pk3. Its just not possible with button mashing. The move that all the people are doing that "think" are doing the 3 moves above are doing the medium stance special. If you dont believe me, play the ladder map 100 times in row in fast or medium Only and be honest with yourself when you realize you cant pull it off. I guarentee you will never pull off the same move. We have been going over this since the game has been out. We cant do it yet unless you alter the game/or have found some secret console command and you have to bind that to a key, it cant be done by mashing button.

Sheesh. I am sorry I dont like to post negativity about anything, I am usualy not that kind of person, but this is getting out of hand with people making new posts every week "I FOUND THE NEW MOVE!!!111" or "I can do the move that noone else can." Drop it people please, lets talk about other things are more productive.

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There are two animations for the Medium Stance Special. The exact names elude me at the moment, but I've done the move on countless Ladder levels, equalling more or less 200 executions. Not once did I do a "cartwheel" or "butterfly".


80% of the time, I did the normal overhead flip, shlashing my 'saber underneath. The normal thing.


20% of the time, I did a variant of the same move - what the game calls and overhead "stab". Kyle still flips upside down, but he doesn't "slash" the 'saber. Instead, he stabs it downward (or over his head form his POV), and spreads his leags much further appart than the normal move.


So for all my time, I've only done these two moves using the Medium Stance Special execution.


Along the way, I've discovered two moves I didn't know about: the backwards dive (executed in the same fashion as the side and forward dives, except you go backwards), and the backflip summersault. To do that, tap back "while in running mode" and tap jump imediately after. If done right, Kyle should execue a rather neat-looking backward summersault. Looks great when you time it with the "thereisnospoon" trick. '-)

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Hey ya'll, got an idea...okay. Yeah, so maybe we can't do all this cool animation that the NPCs can do. Big deal. Maybe the modders will come up with ways to do cool acrobatics. But anyway, this is my point: We have the animation.cfgs. Why not figure out a way to bind keys to certain animations? Hell, that would be a lot of fun. You could do some really ****** up **** (yeah, I'm nice...I'm censoring my teenage blabber language ;) with that! Have Kyle doing the "worm" dance move...*cackles evily!* You could also do some really cool duels with that, too! If a Reborn swings his saber with you, you could have a key bound to that stormtrooper death move where they do the complete backflip...only Kyle could just roll back out of the way afterward. ;) That would be complete and utter badass :) Anyone know how to bind keys to animations? I can't figure that one out...

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If there isn't a command, you can't do it. You can do the taunt animation because there is a command for it, but there is not a command for any special animations like the butterfly.

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