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Model Viewer


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Follow the link below to download the SOF2 Model Viewer




You can use this as a temporary replacement for the tool that Raven has not as of yet supplied.


Follow the link below to learn how to view JKII models on it.





Please be sure to use the JKII Model Viewer once it is released. :D

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This was posted in a different topic by Aiee and he explains how to get the model viewer to work:


How to make it work (quoting ChangKhan in this thread:




You can get it to work, here's how:


Extract the _humanoid.gla and animation.cfg following the same instructions as above (extract into the GameData/base folder and the files should appear in the directory: GameData/base/models/players/_humanoid).


Extract the models.shader file using the above instructions (extract into GameData/base. the file should appear in the dir: GameData/base/shaders).


Extract any models/players directories you want to view/modify (see above instructions).


Open ModView. Go to open a file and browse to the .glm file in the GameData/base/models/players directory of the model you want to view.





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I found that I had to place a base/models/players/jedi/*unpacked jedi.pk3(example) into the directory where the executable of the SOF2 viewer program resides in order to view JK2 models. If you set it up correctly, you will see a 'characters' folder with your 'players' folder. The Characters folder is for sof2 stuff. If this doesnt make sense, I am sorry - I just woke up! :p


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I am getting probably the same error as the last fellow


R_LoadMDXM: missing animation file models/players/_humanoid/_humanoid for mesh model.glm



I have unpacked the _humanoid.gla and the animation.cfg into the _humanoid directory a few times just to be sure, I even copied a copy of that directory into itself hoping to follow the path of the error. Neither of those have fixed the problem....any ideas?

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Start fooling around with the shadowtrooper, it's the most easiest model. It has 6 skin files:


1. accessories.jpg

2. basic_hand.jpg

3. head.jpg

4. icon_default.jpg

5. legs.jpg

6. torso_arms.jpg


If u rename them like i said, u should also rename them within the model_default.skin file. it opens with notepad.


It looks like this:









etc, a few more lines.


You can see that legs.tga actually is legs.jpg (a bit strange, but nothing to obstruct you) Don'yt break your head over this, assume it's the same file. no, if u renamed legs.jpg to your new model name, it looks for example like this: legs_white.jpg (were white is the name of your model) Change the legs.tga within model_default.skin to legs_white.tga. That way it links to it.


Hope I helped u out enough, the rest is liek the tutorial written by Michael Chang Gummelt (Game Programmer: Jedi Knight II) found at http://www.jediknightii.net/edit_mpskins.shtml



Now, I have a question, does anyone know how to change one color into another? For example, if i'd like to have all types of blue (within a picture) turned into the same types of red. So that darkblue becomes darkred, and lightblue becomes lightred? i'm using Photoshop, but if u'd recommend another program, pl go right ahead.

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Originally posted by smeagol6566

it could just be, and that i'm and idiot, and didn't see it. or that i'm an idiot, and should've known...either way, thanks.


Nm, I'm a newbie myself.


I really don't know were to find any tutorials on skinning, the one I used to find what I found was at http://www.jediknightii.net/edit_mpskins.shtml That's the one I used for reference. Hope I can help u with that.



Now as for my personal question. I want to change the blue part in the blue-shadowtrooper skin, in white. And not completely. Were there was dark blue, there must now be dark-white. And were there was light-blue, there must be light-white (or just white :p)

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