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I dont see what the big deal with the red jump slash...

Ten Tigers

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Getting more and more familliar with the game, I think this is one of the most overrated things one could complain about.


It is not all powerful.


Today I did the red power jump salsh into a crowd of 3 people saberfighting, didnt hit anyone, and by the time I whipped around to hopefuly catch someone off gaurd all three were out of range.


Hell, I have even landed on someone's head trying to do this move and it didnt do a stitch of damage. It didnt even knock him down.


Now the ability to spin around may not be the most realistic thing, but without it it would make the move virtualy useless. It is slow to excecute, easy to see coming, and easy to avoid. Even blocking it is too easy. As long as you are facing the opponent and not attacking or trying to use a force power you will block80% of the time.


I like the move and like any other technique, if you overuse it you will get your @$$ handed to you by even the average player.

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people are talking about the 'death from above' special attack. I think your thinking of a normal jump attack. Because the dfa attack cant be blocked. If someones standing still facing you, and you do it right in front of them, they die.

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Originally posted by Immortal LuD

Geeze, seems you need some practice. :eek:


I don't find any move that great... I constantly switch between all three stances depending on my situation.


Why do I need practice other than the fact that everyone does, even the "pros"? I haven seen ANYONE dominate with that move unless the people they were fighting were spastic. Block or dodge. It's not that hard.


And I agree. Normaly I run around levels with blue style to fend of projectiles, switch to yellow in multi-fighter saber fests, and red when dueling or back stabbing.


Of course this isnt iron clad either, as situations change.

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Sounds you don't know what move people are talking about.


Blockable 80 percent of the time? The key signature of that move is that it's unblockable. Show me a demo of you actually blocking it and I'll post a screenshot of my butt with "Property of (your name here)" written on it.


It also is not slow at all, as you indicate, it's lightning fast, and you can execute it directly after another attack. (In fact, that's the only way I can activate it.)


It also has next to zero downtime, the time when your saber is three feet into the ground you're still capable of one shot kills.


Not that effective? Go into three sabers only FFA servers, go spectator, and watch the leader on that server. 2 of those 3 servers the leader will be someone spamming DFA into crowds of duelists.

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Originally posted by Kippla

people are talking about the 'death from above' special attack. I think your thinking of a normal jump attack. Because the dfa attack cant be blocked. If someones standing still facing you, and you do it right in front of them, they die.


No, we are on the same page here. Red stance, any attack, then F+J+Attack= the move that buries the lightsaber into the ground. It must have a really linear strike zone then, because Ive landed with people on either side of my saber. I always assumed they blocked it. They wouldnt actualy die till they tried to counter or run away and I shifted towards them.


Hmm. Guess Ill have to play with the move some more...

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Originally posted by grandmasterlee

If done properly, no can defense. Stop saying you can block it 80% of the time because that's a load of crap. Duel me and try to block it.


Pick a time and server.

No defence?


I have been pushed and griped out of it. And yes you CAN dodge it too. That is probably what has been going on and I mistook it for parying.


But I wouldnt mind meeting you sometime. I am always willing to learn something new. Unfortunately, I am about to leave for a two week work hitch but I will PM you when I get back if you are interested.

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Originally posted by Hubris


Sounds you don't know what move people are talking about.


Blockable 80 percent of the time? The key signature of that move is that it's unblockable. Show me a demo of you actually blocking it and I'll post a screenshot of my butt with "Property of (your name here)" written on it.


It also is not slow at all, as you indicate, it's lightning fast, and you can execute it directly after another attack. (In fact, that's the only way I can activate it.)


It also has next to zero downtime, the time when your saber is three feet into the ground you're still capable of one shot kills.


Not that effective? Go into three sabers only FFA servers, go spectator, and watch the leader on that server. 2 of those 3 servers the leader will be someone spamming DFA into crowds of duelists.


That would explain a bit. I dont do non-force, or saber exclusive ffa matches. I like to mix it up and stay on my toes.


One question though, You say it is lightning fast yet I find the air time horrendous. What makes it so fast in your opinion. BTW Im the same way, I cant do the move without linking it from another move. That right there is a major time vamp. Then as I said, the move itself seems to have a lot of "airtime". Is there a way to cut that down?

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Well, based on what you said after my response you described executing it as: "F+J+Attack"


That has never-ever worked for me, that's what some folks are calling the "Spinning razor" or whatever, which results in your lightsaber pointed downward, and a lot of folks confuse the two. That isn't an overpowered move by any means.

It also results in a huge jump arc so it sounds like that may be what you are referring to.


Do this: run directly forward or backward in heavy stance, take a swing, midway through that swing or at the end of it then press forward and jump. You'll leap straight forward in a split second, no aerial arc whatsoever, unblockable, and one shot kill. The air time on it is minimal, and the total move itself from leap to saber in the ground executes itself faster than any other red stance attack, so it's certainly not slow, the fact that you're basically liquid death to anyone that touches you during the whole arc contributes to its effectiveness.

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i agree with the first guy. its so easy to dodge. sure it kills in one hit but how useful is that when they just sidestep out of range? i guess it gives people something to complain about though. btw i know damned well what this move is and i have killed many many people using thats because they are stupid and just stare at me while i do it. so here's my suggestion to everyone, dont whine about something when you could be spending the time learning to avoid it.

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Mysterious Jedi is right. People whine about it after you kill them but what do they do to try to counter it? "Duh... hey... look at that guy attacking in strong stance, look.... he's doing the hellish special move. I think I'll try to attack him or try to parry, though the book says that it is unblockable.... yragh! You ***** quit using the move, fag (etc. etc)" I say, "Look, force push me to knock me out of it. OR roll away, that'll surely put you out of my range!"



It's really not hard to AVOID if you see it coming.


Quit whining! :p

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Originally posted by Ten Tigers

Hell, I have even landed on someone's head trying to do this move and it didnt do a stitch of damage. It didnt even knock him down.


As long as you are facing the opponent and not attacking or trying to use a force power you will block80% of the time.

Uhhhhh. sorry

I dont know wear you have been, seems when I land on there head and look down it KILLS THEM IMMDIATLY. HAVE NO CLUE where you have been.

Also, Blocking, YOU CANNOT. You must dodge it. If you stand there it knocks your saber away and slashes through your blood and flesh, tearing apart everything inside. (Sorry in a bad mood)

Sorry man, play more, talk less

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Originally posted by Tozier

It's really not hard to AVOID if you see it coming.


Right, it's not all that hard to see it comming. In duels or saber only FFAs, if you have some force, then beating an SS spammer is as easy as push-slice. However in No force duels or saber only FFAs, it's grossly unbalanced due to the saber collision. Once their saber is in the ground you take the chance of stubbing your pinky toe into their saber and dieing. -_-

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The SS move IS blockable, like i said i've never done it myself but on 2 or 3 occasions i have had it clearly (as in no question about it) blocked by my opponent. Now obviously those were flukes and 99% of the time theres no way anyone is gonna block that gay move but i'm positive it can be done because i've seen it.

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Originally posted by Hell Raiser


Right, it's not all that hard to see it comming. In duels or saber only FFAs, if you have some force, then beating an SS spammer is as easy as push-slice. However in No force duels or saber only FFAs, it's grossly unbalanced due to the saber collision. Once their saber is in the ground you take the chance of stubbing your pinky toe into their saber and dieing. -_-


Excellent post. Very true. People who think otherwise: play some more nf duels with someone who's doing that move over and over again.

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I'd consider myself pretty good at staying cool and blocking blows coming at me....once I even killed someone simply by blocks (they typically take only 5 points off per hit)....the one-hit-kill move is not blockable in these terms, it can only be avoided. if they do a standard heavy stance, that can be blocked easiest from a crouching position, but even with this posture the one-hit move can't be stopped.


I really was against this move when I first had it done repeatedly against me. now after learning it myself and finding its limitations, its not so bad...and I think I like it now when I know someone is going to do it (at least on force servers), because it is easy to avoid and can lead to a free hit against the them if timed right.

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I ONLY play No Force Duel so it is kinda hard to 'push' or 'grip' someone out of it. So I made it my business to avoid it. The best thing you can do is sidestap far enough to NOT be hit but still able to counter.


There is something worse than DFA move. That is some1 who is ONLY playing DFA moves in a duel. If you make one mistake you are dead. Not even a drain of life.. but entirely, fully and total dead.


I dueled someone today who fought well and defeated me. He did DFA from only a small distance. You can't run or dodge or sidestep because you are to late to do so.


If I have a 'normall' DFA uses he takes his time and uses it to get over distance. This is far eassier to avoid than someone who uses it from up close.


In the time I have been fighting (which is all time JO has been released aprox. 2 hours a day minimal; yes I know I am addicted) i found several ways to defeat a DFA user when duelling. One thing you can do is drive him nuts. Keep on avoiding the attack. Sooner or later your opponent realises it won't work and start 'common' heavy or medium attacks. Another thing is time your attack perfectly: it is possible to land a medium attack at your opponent when he is landing with his DFA.

I don't have to point out that the last one is far the most dangerious one around.


But to return to the subject of the topic: if you have a real good heavy / DFA user he will defeat a lot of people. I know it is just a part of the game. However if Raven doesn't want to do something about the damage at least make it 'one direction only (you can't change direction in the air)' and when the sabre is in the ground it should not be part of the DFA move anymore. Meaning: if you touch the sabre no instant death.


just my 2 €.




XIII aka



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Originally posted by Deetox187

The SS move IS blockable, like i said i've never done it myself but on 2 or 3 occasions i have had it clearly (as in no question about it) blocked by my opponent. Now obviously those were flukes and 99% of the time theres no way anyone is gonna block that gay move but i'm positive it can be done because i've seen it.


are some sort of a super newbie ?


you can't block it, if you/they can block it, then you're not doing it right.

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"Death From Above" as you guys call it is not unbalanced in any mode. Its incredibly easy to dodge. Getting killed by DFA only occurs when one is surprised by the move, or when one tries something risky and misses. Otherwise the move is so easy to dodge there is reason anyone should die from it. If you see someone in heavy stance just be prepared to dodge. All the saber stances (excluding the easte egg ones) are totally balanced and usefullness varies according to the situation.

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