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Update on my "Dark Kyle"...

Infinity Blade

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Well, I have this skin mostly complete. I tried to get some good shots that show how well it looks in game, but it's hard with JO's Funky lighting system.


I can have a light in front of me and areas like the neck and waist can be very dark on darker skins, yet on lighter ones the face and shoulders will be so bright it blots out most detail. I've tried to get a decent blend so that in most lighting scenarios it doesn't look too bad.


And since modview is popular with giving screens, I've included an in-game at deathstar vs. modview screen. The actual lighting and look will be somewhere in between for most areas in the game.




The textures are mostly done, as are the team versions of the skin. The face has more added detail and some reworking of the tone and brightness, as well as a darker glow to the eyes. The back texture has been altered to look more like an armor plate and less mechanical. And finally, I've converted it into team skins, and made all the appropriate changes to make it an SP or MP skin.


Here are some pictures of my first JO skin. I would have to say it looks better in motion and while playing, but I'll let you decide yourself.


Facial Detail Comparison


Modview vs. In-Game


Front Body Detail


Back Body Detail


Saber Stance Shot


Kyle Comparisons (Original, Dark, Dark Blue, Dark Red)



I'd still like to hear any opinions about it, and hope you enjoy this skin once I release it. I want to tweak it till I feel it's ready, but hopefully soon it should be available if anyone wants it.

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I dont usually post... I'm only here to look and marvel at what people can do with what they have and i must say this is stellar work.


The only thing i could think of is once you've released this... perhaps you could do a light side version with the same armor and such.. Its really quite good. Kudos to you, ill be looking for this one.

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Actually...Kyle's only supposed to be in his late thirties-early fourties in JKO. He's early twenties during DF.


Don't know why he has gray hair. Maybe because of his brush with the Dark Side.


But man, does he have baaahhd posture! What's worse, all the characters have the same back problem! It's an epidemic of scoliosis!! ;-)

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Hey, I had some gray hair when I was 17, age doesn't mean nothin'. :p


But WOW...I can't help but oogle at this skin! The eyes from a distance make it look like his eyes are closed though...still, a really small thing.

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Ahhhhhhhhh... Just back from work. (I hate working nights.)


Well, all I really have to do now is redo the team skins and pack it. There was one last thing I was thinking about trying for a tweak, but I don't know if it'll turn out at all.


That and I need to think of a name to call it, but it should be ready soon.

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Am almost done... skin is ready to pack, icons are made for MP on default and teams, set up a quick way to switch the SP version of this skin on and off, tweaked a few textures and made team versions, and have come up with what to call him.




I'm having a problem with the face texture lighting. When in game, the texture line between the face and head isn't blending well.... I think i've got it solved, but will take another hour at best to solve.


But since you're waiting so patiently, I'll give you an updated shot.


I present to you..... Dark Jedi Kyle.



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Well, as far as the eyes go.. it wouldn't be too far off. Yet, it was done this way on purpose.


As we all know, the eye texture is very small. I originally tried to go with a more veiny look, but when in game the eyes looked more like they had a Big pinkish red splotch in each corner, or nothing noticeable at all. With the blood shot, it should look more hazy then anything. So, trying to get a more decent look, I did this:




This is half the eye texture blown up 400 percent. On the right is a screen in-game at cg_thirdpersonrange 20-30.... It turned out to be more the effect I was wanting this way.... There's a haze and it can be noticed, but isn't a total blotch. I'm not sure exactly how you could make it do better than that, but someone might someday. I just felt that a detail so small wasn't worth THAT much hassle. :)



It's virtually ready to be sent out now.. I'm just semi-bothered about a tiny lighting detail in game. It affects the regular kyle model but not quite as much.. I was just trying to figure out a way around it. I've improved it.. but.. well.. see for yourself.




This is the most noticeable angle for this problem. Not that horrible, and most people probably don't care... but I'd like to try a thing or two more before I give up on it. It's not that bad with most light angles, and when playing or just sitting you probably wouldn't care... I dunno...


But besides that.. it's ready.


Here's another shot for ya!





As far as hosting... I have a tripod account, and am going to make a wepage for my various things, but have yet ot complete it. I'll probably just submit it to JKII.net for now, and maybe setup a small tripod page as well...


We'll see....

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Dude, anything to get this gem released sooner! '-)


As far as your liting problem goes, it's not a big deal at all. All the models are that way.


On a side note, those pics are from Multiplayer, right? Man, I wish we could do that taunting motion in SP.


But it's a fantastic job, Infinity. I can't wait to download it.

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Well... am working on it right now... Just got done testing it in Single Player to make sure it works.. I guess I'll release it now.. I wanted to do something about that lighting, but doubt there is really much to be done with the way the model is.. perhaps when the tools come out. (HINT RAVEN!!!!)


Well.. while I get this bad boy ready to ship, here's a few screens of Dark Jedi single player goodness.


*Warning* Images contain saber dimemberment. :)


I Hate you Jan.....


Your pathetic skills are no match for me!


Goodbye Jan.


What a mess.


Shouldn't be too long now.. have to go to work in two hours, so either tonight or tomorrow morning...


Maybe as late as tomorrow afternoon if something comes up.

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