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Ready Wan

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i have/use it.


dpad - forward-back-strafe left- strafe right

joy1 - scores

joy6 - mind trick

joy7 - saber

joy3 - absorb

joy8 - heal

joy4 - push

joy9 - pull

joy5 - challenge/duel

joy10 - crouch


then mouse for turning/looking


mouse1 - primary

mouse2 - jump

mouse3 - secondard

mouse4 - use

mouse5 - saber style

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I have one too, it's a great little controller.. for some reason though I'm having trouble getting the d-pad working with JK2.. has anyone else run into this? maybe I just need to reinstall the drivers again? did you need to alter any controller settings in JK2?

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I hadnt thought of using the hat for forward/back/sleft/sright

great idea!


that helps...but cycling weapons/cycling force/cycling items needs a key.

I can get away with no cycling force if I use keys for specific fpowers....

right now I key one force power to a key, then use my use force key for whatever I have it cycled to.


generally just two force powers is sufficient...since push/pull is set for my mouse wheel.


any other set ups?

that one helped a lot. Thanks!

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does anyone else have some ideas for configurations?


I dont like the movement keys on the directional pad...its not intuitive enough...and without it, there arent enough keys for what needs to be done (am not willing to use shift).


is anyone using game voice?

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