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Light saber move: Castration/stomach puncture followed by decaptiation


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Dont yell at me that "this has been said a million times" it hasent been said a million times, its proboally been said once or twice, but if it has I didnt see it, so most people didnt.


There is a VERY effective lightsaber move with the blue stance, I dont know what its called, but basically how it looks is you go from crouching, to skidding foward and jabing the lightsaber straight up. This attack does a ton of damage.


Heres how you do it: Works only with blue stance.


Crouch, tap foward quickly and primary fire, easy right? But very few people do it and its an effective move.....


staying stationary for a second, crouching and waiting for someone to aproach you is funny. Because they will be swining madly(though it works even if they arent swining) the sudden quick jab in usually gets past their saber, a direct puncture into them which does ALOT of damage, BUT whats better? if you do this when they are very close, the thrusting action after you hit will you make you ROLL(standing) around the side of them. Do a straif, aim high and finish with a head shot......


I've been experimenting with this for an hour its a VERY effective move....mabey blue stance isnt so worthless after all heh!

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That move is in the jkii.net list of moves. I find it horrible. I tried it, it is ok... My friend uses it all the time... and well he doesn't too very well against me. That move is simple to counter, simple to predict, and it doesn't do all too much damage. It leaves you open for a second too while you go up someone can simple step aside and slash you right in the gut.


It's a decent move, if you are smart when using it.

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It's one of the Light stance's best moves(and yes, it has been said many many times). The main problem is it's very difficult to go straight into a crouch from a run, so the easiest way to hit anyone with it is crouch down and crawl towards them; if that isn't predictable, I don't know what is. If I could figure out a way to go into a crouch faster I'd use this move a lot more.

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