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Newbie question: lightsabers


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posted this in the other forum too, but mroe people seem to be here :)


I just started playing, and i must say that this game is GREAT and well worth the price


however, everytime i play the multiplayer mode (single player is too puzzle based for me) i get myself smashed every 1v1 or actually, everytime i attack someone with a lightsaber.


While reading thsi forum i read about all sorts of funny moves/modes you can do with your saber, but i don't know how to do that =(


All i do is charge the guy and start chopping (and it goes in all sorts of weird directions too, hard to control) and sometimes i hit the guy, he dies, but most of the time, i am usually blocked, etc, etc, and the guy slices me up in one hit.



now...how do i actually use that lightsaber probably. I asked my friends and they tell me to use guns, but i don't want to because i am a big Star Wars fan =P


someone help please?

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A good way to practice using the Lightsaber is to start a Duel game, placing yourself against a single Initiate level bot. Saber only.


And then practice continuously.. find which stance you are best at using (Some prefer the Heavy stance, I prefer Medium) and slowly increase the skill level of the bot. Practice moving in all different directions, doing jumping attacks, using the force skills to assist your attacks. (Ie. Mind trick to make you invisible, force drain to stop them throwing their saber of using the force against you.. Push and pull etc.)


There is no "Easy" way to pick up good saber tactics, and even the best of us will still die occassionally (Yes, I'll even admit to being killed by an Initiate level Bot when I made a stupid mistake)

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Marcavalin and Frizbee have the right idea. You should most definately play single player through. I found it much more exciting then multiplayer. Infact, the lightsaber affects are all together different in single player (way better in my opinion). I was quite dissappointed in the bot feature. I mostly play single player and spawn npc and play that way. Single player mode is the best way to learn how to play well. Good luck ^_^.

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I seriously suggest doing your best to play the Single player, it slowly progresses in difficulty with saber weilding opponents, I finished it on regular difficulty, and I've found it to be much more natural, and controlled use of the saber, you can't just start hacking at em,


try out different stances, just practice waving it around in the air with different key combos, to see what the moves are with certain things on certain stances,

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