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Quest for Farscape Skins!


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Is anyone interested in putting together some Farscape themed skins? I'm not any good at doing them myself (without a proper model viewer to get a look at it anyway) or I'd give it a go myself.


A few ideas:


Scorpius, Peacekeeper soldier : use Shadowtrooper

Crichton (original and PK clothed), Crais, Braca, Stark : use Kyle

Aeryn Sun : use Jan?

Chiana : use Jan?

Jool : possibly either Jan or Tavion

Zhaan : no idea

D'Argo : use Weequay? (might be too way out without a new model)

Rygel : funny but impossible without a new model

Pilot : how many guns at once? definately not a good idea


It all depends how far you want to go.


Anyone else obsessed enough to take this on?

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I have an off and on thing for the show. I'll go months without watching and then watch a couple weeks of it straight.


I'd consider doing one of Crichton and Sun, but that's as far as I'd be willing to commit...


eMail me some character pics and I'll try it out. Try to get ones with a variety of lighting. I can't do models or mods. I'll consider doing a d'ago one after I get home from work and look at the asset0.pk3 weequay file.


I know. I can't spell character names worth a darn.

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