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Does JK2ded-C fix opstack so I can turn on dismemberment?


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Just wondering if the new dedicated server realease will allow me to run multiplayer dismemberment on my dedicated server? I saw something in the release notes about it fixing Opstack errors. So I am hoping this means I can turn on dismemberment. If you have dismemberment running on your server could you post your server.cfg command lines that you used.


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My understanding is that they were supposed to have fixed some type of opStack error in 1.02b. However, they didn't state from what cause. The best thing I can suggest is to turn it on and see what happens. If you get an opStack, then you know it's still broken. As far as I know the only setting involved should be:


seta g_dismember "1" // (0/1 = Off/On)


Report back what you find out. ;)

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