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This game is gonna be delayed!!!

Guest Darth Maul Jr.

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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

This game is gonna be delayed i can tell! They started off with lots of updates and screenshots, but now all this has seemed to dwindle off. THey have run into some kinda hang up! When Diablo II was coming out they started sign ups for beta testing like a couple months out, and the Beta test started like 2 months before the game was released....November is only a few months away and it doesnt even seem like they even thought about beta testing..the rumor was true,, i'm sure this sucker aint comin out this year!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

You aren't sure. You just make presumption based on irrevelant facts.


Blizzard ain't exactly known for meeting their deadlines, and unlike Diablo 2, I don't think GB will have some kind of open beta-testing.


Lucasarts are known to keep quiet about their games, it's nothing new. Don't worry, the game will be released before Christmas, ready or not - how could they pass on that opportunity?

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Actually i see the silence as a very good sign. It's a sign saying they're very hard at work on it and pushing the envelope to meet the deadline. When a game is 'approaching beta-stage' in august, something REALLY dreadful (like a quaked down Skywalker ranch) must have happened to have it delayed.

Don't worry. You'll play it silly by Christmas.

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Guest Aristotle

Don't you guys read the news on the main page? I think my news post about the time for release on the game was quite clear.


I have a personal confirmation from Garry and LucasArts that this game is all set to ship right on time... in 2001.


Trust me when I say that they would not make that statement if it wasn't rock solid.


You will be enjoying this game THIS year.

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Guest Gen.Veers

If you look at both Gamestop.com and EBworld.com, they both say it's coming out in early Nov. And those dates are very much the same with what they were several months ago.


On top of that, the AOE2 engine is very stable and won't be needing that much testing compared to most games. So I can't see why it won't come out in Nov as planned.



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Guest Darth Maul Jr.

yeah i know, but if the team is hard at work that doesnt hinder the Webmaster from posting anything...the webmaster isnt apart of the desgin team is he? Unless they dont have anything new to give him or dont want to go publishing things that arent gonna be there. You made a good point that they are using the solid AOK engine...If you ask me the game should be in my hands now...all they had to do in essence was make a AOK expansion pak really. Just AOK with Star Wars graphics...yeah there's flying units, but there were birds and such in AOk so im sure there was some kinda script in there for flying units, plus there was a cheat code that would let you control flying birds, so im sure there was some script in there for controlling flying units too...My real arguement is that we should be seein loads of updates weekly.

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Guest Gen.Veers

LucasArts has never really been good at revealing information for upcoming games. They kind of like to keep you hanging until the last minute. Plus, on a side note, They probably don't have the time always to get the info from their team into their web developers' team.

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Guest dvader07

Dart Maul Jr., if you have read any of the reviews (especially the Mr. Fixit one) then you would know that this is definitely not just AOK with Star Wars art. I think if I was LA ad the production team working on this, I would be quite affended, because it looks like are putting a ton of time into making sure that this game is precisely not just what you suggest it is. Try being a little patient, and remember that by them releasing information slowly, they are increasing the excitment.

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We can never tell if a game will be delayed or not. We can allways predict. However when the PR of LucasArts TELLS us this game wont be delayed and be out by december (more or less)... then it WONT be delayed.


The only time any LucasArts games got delayed and/or canceled is when the game has been only in productions for only a couple of months. But when the game is allready in the beta stages, I seriously doubt it will get the yellow tape.

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Guest Master Yoda

I agree Vader, anyway I would rather have a well made game then a piece of crap because they hurried when making it. If this was just AOK with Star Wars art then the game would have been done in about 3 months, but since its not AOK with Star Wars art then it will obviosally take ALOT longer to make.

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Guest Gen.Veers

They've been working on this game for quite a while. If Beta begins in Sept. and 3 months of beta (which I doubt it will be even that long) it will be out by the end of Nov easy.


If they were going to be delayed they would be already. They've obviously gotten all the big problems out of the way already, and are ready to polish it up in the next 3 months of testing.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I would prefer a delayed game to a rushed game. Nothing good comes form rushing.


Now I can repeat what everyone else has been saying.....


Maybe the less you hear is a plan. Building up tension. I just can't wait until I hear it has gone gold.

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totally agree with most of you. they're probably going to fix whatever minor bugs there are. as you all said, this game is not exactly an AoK clone. even the multiplayer is going to be different in some way from AoK's. plus there are 300 different animated units, not simply what you saw in AoK. which brings up the question, will this game have to potential to surpass AoK in terms of quality?

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