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the jedi temple


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In the jedi temple where you have to use force speed to get through the doors - the cage thing always goes up before i can reach it - is that supposed to be like that or do i have to be quicker or what? i can't figure out what i am supposed to do there. Can anyone help me please!



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Use force pull (or maybe push, I don't remember) on the stone heads on the wall. There are a half dozen or so of them, they will drain water into the room forcing the floor to go down. Return to the platform by the door where you came in, activate force speed and run to the other side -- you should be able to make it before the gate falls.

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uh guys, i dont think he's talking about the room where you get the saber...he's talking about the room where you first try out your speed--there's a rising pillar that you see at the end of the hall that you cant get to. its nothing you need to worry about yet, dont worry about it--it comes up later



i guess--well--no--you're right, he's probably talking about the cage with the water--sorry, didnt read your replies properly..again--i'm rambling ;) ;)


:monkey4: <---- me

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I'm interested in finding out what to do after obtaining the speed force power; I've tried to use pull or push powers on the pillars, stones, etc. in that room to no avail. I've force jumped and I still can't get to the 2nd fl on the other side of the room - Help!



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