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"Couldn't load default.cfg" Someone HELP!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've most commonly had the "default.cfg" error, sometimes the CON_TXT error, and sometimes a long hang time waiting for the "cannot locate MSVFW32.DLL" error, which is different from the others in that it's not shown in the console/starting up process.


Well the other day for the first time I got the game to start by using the JKSP.exe on the CD, once the game's installed to the hard drive. Problem is, this way you can't save your configuration or save games.


Trick is, this installation was done under a different MSCONFIG boot... Scott at LucasArts tech support replied to my mail a few weeks ago saying that these are installation errors, that I had to run MSCONFIG and check selective startup, with the start menu items box unchecked. However, just performing this step and then making a clean installation didn't change the errors I've named above.


Regardless, this stuff is betaware.

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I tried your suggestion there, teleguy, copying assets0.pk3 from CD-ROM into the respective directory on the hard drive - no luck. Same problem. I guess I'll need to find some pakexplorer program to extract default.cfg from the .pk3, maybe... Wish we had some more help from SUPPORT...

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It does look like your assets.pk3 files got corrupted in the installation, and if a second install doesn't work then you might *gasp* have a duff CD!


Killling background progs when installing isn't a bad idea, but deselecting the "start items" box doesn't prevent everything from loading at startup - many programs (the troublesome ones in fact) are run via a registry entry (in Win95/98, dunno about Win2k/XP):



Alternatively, run the System Info program (Accessories/System Tools) and from the Tools menu select System Config Utility. Look through the tabs to see everything that your computer runs at startup, and turn off things you don't recognise directly (this may require some guesswork)


I've found that the CD versions of the assets files are different from the originals I obtain from an install (and you have to remove the read only tag in file properties to make any changes). A .pk3 file is simply a zip file btw, so you don't need a specialised program to do it.

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