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endor speeder trooper guys (a model i wanna see)


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i may end up doing this one myself if i have time. i'd love to see a model of the guys (who prolly have a technical name) that look like light stormtroopers in the forets of endor. they're my favourite.


if anyones got this in mind, GO YOU!





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manka yeah but i dont have the understanding of their system. i only am familiar w/ quake 3 models. those use a character studio biped which i dont have (CS, not a biped).


ill do some research and maybe ill throw together this model shortly.



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I think it'd be cool to eventually see models/skins of all the different types of Imperial troopers...death star gunners....the Imperial Commando type guys who were in DF and JK but didn't make it into JK2....Dark Troopers (all 3 phases?), snowtroopers....those space trooper guys who are briefly seen in ANH (I think).

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Guest seantree

heres my start. the body is comin along. I have the weekend off so I'll hopefully get him near finished(the model anyway). I also plan on doing the bike as a map model. let me know what ya think


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Guest seantree

that was done to conserve polygons. i dont think you will be able to tell when he's puttin a rocket up your ass :) seriously though, it should look okay once its smoothed and textured. The shot you see is only using materials.

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Guest seantree

cheshire, it's me. I lost the pass for my seantree account at PC years ago, and have been too lazy to go about fixing it , thus Crab :)

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Ah... I must have Regestired here some time back for something or another, hence CheshireKat. Sounds corny, but I figured some guys I'v conversed with about Skinning and Modeling would show up her so I went with it rather than try to get my password.


Anyway., were's the latest update brotha? Been watching for it at PC. And why haven't you posted your Saber here? I know it's a bit crazy here right now, but it's cooling down a bit I think.


I gave you a bit of what I know about Sabers ingame on my PC thread, but it's not much. But I've run into some more UV problems, and if you get the time, stop by there and check it out please. I need help... Again.


Check back later.

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