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Suggestion: New Saber Control!


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I've thought of a new way to control using a light saber in a Jedi game that would be more, in

depth. You would actually be able to develop your saber fighting skills the more you trained

at it(not "game skills, or points" but actually technique in your play style).

there would be no stances of different strengths, it'd be just you, and COMPLETE control over

your saber. Here's how I propose this works.

you run around forward backward and strafing with the keyboard, as per normal.

With you mouse, you look up down and turn left and right.

With the saber in hand, HOLD your attack 1 button, and when you turn to the left, your saber

would move to the left but at an accelorated speed. For instance


you hold attack 1, you turn left this much




your saber would swing over to your left this much




and it would do the same in any direction you turned while holding down attack 1.

secondly, if you held down a second bindable button as well as attack one, your LOOK movements

will stop, and you mouse will ONLY control saber movment. so that you don't have to be

spinning around in circles to make your saber do what you want, but you cal fling your sabre

around any point of your body.. if you're in this mode, and you move your mouse all the way

up(or down if you're inverted like I am), your mouse will go ALL the way over your head and

cover your back (like Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul in that one blocking move he did behind him then

infront real fast). Or you could run with your saber out to your side if you wanted, when you got to the guy swing it upwards and across his face.. the possiblities are endless when you have complete control over the saber.


if you take this and then add realistic saber to saber hits, then two very skilled players

could have an amazing battle of blocks and attacks and it would look more like a real fight in one of the movies, then a buncha people running around trying to hit eachother as much as



This is my idea, I'm not sure how hard it would be to program such a thing into a game. or if

it can be made into a MOD for the current JK2. But I for one would love to use this style when

in saber combat, and learn it and train at it.




P.S. the basics of it are this:

basically your mouse controls your arm holding the saber and your keyboard controls your movement.

it's sorta like it is now, except instead of "predefined" attack swings, you MAKE the attack swings happen with your mouse movement

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Mmmmmm fantasies!


looks like someone actually already suggested an idea SIMILAR to this one..




people don't seem to like that idea.. they like having pre defined moves and no control I guess.. in other words, they like it easy.


ah well.. I like this idea, and hope it can be implimented..

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i hope it does 2, im not trying to stifile your ingunity , in fact i applaude it. However there have been over 10 threads about this in the last 2 days, seems like everyone has the "amazing" idea about how saber combat should go. Id rather see more doing (aka a mod) and less talking.


My motto is put up or shut up :)


no offense meant, as it is a damn good idea :D

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I think the current system is pretty fine too...


I mean, I use the mouse to make faster swings to cover more area and to attack faster.


And i'd like to state again... I'm pretty sure the devs wanted to have MP style saber moves, but it was too hard to implement with the netcode... or something.

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excellent idea

i was on a game development team and i had a similar idea

it would be the ultimate in skilled sabre combat - not that 50% luck outcast is atm, dont get me wrong, i LOVE this game, but a truely skillful saber system would be perfect

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I'm pretty sure, it's already been done, and from what I've heard failed badly.


I know that the elder scrolls series used a setup like this... Arena, Daggerfall and Mordwind, altho these are RPG's and not action games.


Live by the Sword, which was more of a action game, did the same basic thing, and that game died big time, from what I remember, because the controlls were to clumsy and hard to get used to.


Your idea's do have merrt, but they are far from new or inovative. They've been done, and failed.

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I just wanted to say, don't get me wrong.. I enjoy playing the game the way it is now.. but it'd be fun to see a MOD of this type, for people who WANTED to play on Servers using it.. or maybe in a new game..


I'd try and MOD it myself, but, I'm no game programmer.. :p wish I were though.. :)

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There isn't anything wrong with the current aber controls, I know exactly what I'm doing in a fight. The key is to not just run around like a ninny, but take steps. He charges you, sidestep him gently and slash at his guts whilst his hands are high. He sidesteps you, you can block, or step forward and do a back attack. I've killed a whole bunch of people with the light backstab, it looks supersweet :D . There is more than enough control over what you can do already. You don't need to run a mile away when he swings, just keep your distance a tiny bit. It'll make sure you're never far away when you want to deliver your blow.

It isn't the combat system, but the people who just don't have the knack for it yet. Everything in this game has it's counter.


Lol, on a different note: when someone uses a gun, force pull the clumbsy blaster out of the clumbsy bastards hands. Dead easy.

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