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Way to low fps


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In the two tests I've read where JKII has been used as some sort of a benchmark using:


devmap ffa_bespin

timedemo 1


demo jk2ffa


the gf3 ti200 cards made 105.3 in default HQ 800x600x32...

Both tests had 512 mb ram and a Athlon XP 2100+..

I have 576 mb ram and a P4 2.0 (and a gf3 ti200)..i should be getting at least almost as much

And what I get?


I get 50, virusscanner off, all other programs shut down, I even tried using a few diffrent nVidia drivers...i still get lousy 50


Anyone knows why? Does anyone have the same problem?

Does anyone else have a gf3 ti200 and a p4 2.0 ghz and if so what do you get?


In real gameplay its kinda weird, most of the time, using vsync and a refresh rate of 85 in default HQ, i do get 85, but sometimes, often right after a quickload, the fps drops dead to somewhere around 15...after a minutes play or so it usally go back up to around 40-50...still it should be higer..

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The stuttering you experience for the first 20 seconds or so after a level loads is the textures being cached. It will disappear. be patient. Happens in MP too.


I don't trust benchmarks posted on the Internet. Why? Because the testers have massively tweaked the game just to get the max framerate they can. Not to mention the video card companies *cough* ATI *cough* that purposely tweak theire drivers to obtain better fps and 'mark' scores in particluar games. That's not what 99.8% of players are doing, so the 150 fps is total crap and unplayable, IMO (I like the details). You can get your framrate up to speed though by turning down a lot of the graphical options, mostly texture and model detail. If you want to be Uber-733t, you'll have to scroll through the list of r_ cvars and pretty much turn them all off. Your game will now look like a blurry mess, but wow! Your fps is over 100! I'll bet if you turn off texturing all together (run in wireframe mode), you can get close to, or even surpass 200 fps.


50's not bad, not bad at all. Perfectly playable for anyone who isn't in the CPL.

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Umm no offense man but where did you come from ... he has a gf3 ti 200 and a 2 ghz p4. Fifty fps is **** for his system .. bet with a few lines of code you could fix this prob bud, just wish I knew it for ya :( I get upwords of 100ish, usually around 60-80 , above 65 seems to be only in inside areas with almost everything maxed on a 1.2ghz gf2 ultra ... so somethings wrong.

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i mean, i have a GF4 Ti 4400 and when i disable vsynch i get really high fps (120+) but it tears to crap and is unplayable...so i am stuck with vsynch on and a max framerate of 60 cause my piece of crap monitor refreshes at 60 HZ at the 1024 x 768 resolution. so...is there a happy medium, can i do anything to get something close to 100 fps with no tearing and vsynch disabled? somebody let me know.



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Ok, I have a P4 1.8, 1 GB of RAMBUS RAM and a GF4 Ti 4600. I should be styling, right? 28.90 drivers.




1024x768, all the pretty options turned on highest, VSYNC off, maxfps=200 and hunkmegs=192. I only get 75 fps. My monitor refreshes at 100Mhz, so I know it's not VSYNC faking me out.


I didn't pay my firstborn child for a Ti4600 to get 75fps. I run WolfMP with 4x AA and 4x Anstro filter and I get better than 75 fps. Something is wrong here.


So OK, let's take it down to 800x600, all the pretty toys turned to their LOWEST settings, or totally off if possible. VSYNC is still off, maxfps=200 and hunkmegs=192.


I still get 75FPS. No change. At all.


Any ideas? Anybody? I'm stumped. I even installed the newly-WHQL'ed 28.32 drivers and nothing changed.

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The console log seems to see the P4 just fine. I just refuse to believe that I'm CPU bound at 800x600 on a P4 1.8Ghz. Come on, the game looks good, but not THAT good. I've taken a "ride" in a US Army Apache attack helicopter combat simulator and THAT looked amazing. I even got airsick - it was that real. You show me that and I'll grant you that I'll be CPU bound. :)

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