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32 guests !!

if that's not a glitch, it's GOTTA be some kind of mass call on another forum..

goodness... most of them read the 'greetings' thread of Gaber, so i reckon there's a link somewhere on a big site to that thread.

EDIT: well, this explains it; this was just posted on theforce.net :


Garry Gaber Talks Battlegrounds

Tue, Aug 21, 01 05:36:54 PM EDT


Rob tells us that Garry Gaber, head of the next LucasArts RTS game (Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds) has begun taking questions and comments at the Premier Galactic Battlegrounds forums.

For more information, check out his thread here in the GB forums.

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Guest Sherack Nhar

The news are also over at VoodooExtreme.


We're getting more and more traffic! Now the record is 55 users at the same time! :eek:

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