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Banned Force Powers


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By Declaration of the -SC-:

Force Powers that No One is Allowed to Use Anymore


1. Force Drain - This is banned because when I get hit with it you have force power left and I don't.


2. Force Heal - This is gh3y. I hit you and you don't die.


3. Force Grip - This suXX0rz! It doesn't have any counter AT ALL except push, pull, absorb, drain, saber throw, mind trick, lightning and weapons.


4. Force Push - I can't hit you with my sm00ve light-stance backstab when I'm flat on my 4ss or falling down a hole.


5. Force Pull - I still can't hit you with my sm00ve light-stance backstab when I'm flat on my 4ss or falling down a hole.


6. Mind Trick - Hey! Where'd you go?! Hacker!! myg0t!!!


7. Force Sight - Hey! I was hacking!! How come you could see me??! Hacker!!! myg0t!!!


8. Saber Throw - ph4g! Quit ruining my Strong jump attack!


9. Force Lightning - Just because you can wipe out those 5 light-stance n00bs that are all down to 10 health with minimal effort doesn't mean you should.


10. Force Speed - Force Lag!!! Force Lag L4m3r!!


11. Force Jump - Because turning off your saber and flip-kicking me to death means you g0t n0 sk1llz!! Fight fair!!


12. Force Protection - I hit you with my light-stance swing and you didn't die!! Ch34t3r!!!


13. Saber Offense - Strong stance is for n00bs!! Ow!!! Damm1t!!


14. Saber Defense - I can't hit U!!!


15. Dark Rage - One-hit kills are ch34p, f4gg0t!

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Originally posted by Fyunch Click

Is it me or is WAAAAAY too serious on these forums?


It's beginning to remind me of TribalWar with all the individual flames going on....


This thread was my attempt at levity. Let it not be said I didn't try.

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I hereby also declare on behalf of the SC's that all weapons with the exception of the lightsaber are also banned because SC's can't deal with guns.


It's true you know. Check out this script from Episode 2


Anakin: " Master. I am scared of guns. Why must these battledroids shoot at me with their guns and cannons?"


Obi-Wan: "There is no honor in guns my young padawan."


Anakin: "Master, I am also afraid of Count Dooku who uses Force Grip."


Obi-Wan: "My young padawan, you can obviously counter using Absorb, or Push, or SaberThrow. But the best way to go about is to ban the use of force grip"


Anakin: "Master Yoda said that I should close my saber if I don't want to get shot"


Obi-Wan: "Yes. Master Yoda is tryly wise and honorable"


Anakin: "But I am still afraid"


Obi-Wan: "Fear not. We will round up all the wimpy, bowing Jedi's and start kickvoting anyone that we are afraid of."


Anakin: "That is truly honorable master."


Obi-Wan: "Yes. You must remember. I am a Jedi. There is much honor and kickvoting Siths."

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Someone sure needs to get a life.

Arti, why do these posts?

Its obvious you dont like -SC- and it is obvious -SC- wont stop playing the way they play since its the -SC- way of having fun.

Like you say, its all about fun and if playing with the Saber Code is the -SC- way of having fun SO BE IT and LIVE WITH IT!


I'm a -SC- but I dont whine about what others do, I just limit myself to play in Saber only servers and that is it, although I do go to weapon servers but dont complain since it isnt a -SC- game.

if I find a -SC- in the game even better, we both go have some duels while everyone else is blasting away with guns and gripping left and right.

Its their way of having fun and we have our way of having fun.

Its just as simple as that, doing these things you do with posts (despite funny or not) just show a certain degree of imaturaty since you are trying to put down someone who is trying to have fun in their own way wich goes against your way of having fun.


Since there are a few hundred servers there is a HUGE chance we will never meet, so why all of this if it is very likely we will never be in the same game and our ways of "having fun" will clash?

If I am in a -SC- server I DO ask for others to stop or will be removed from the game, but I do warn before I remove (I have a server running -SC- rules, although right now its down, gonna have a new server PC soon) .

Yesterday I warned some guys, they complied and played by our rules since it was a -SC- server.

There must be a certain degree of respect here, wich is prolly lacking from both sides about many things.

A non -SC- should respect a -SC- and their rules especially in a -SC- server and the -SC- should respect others choices in non -SC- servers and non -SC- ppl even if they keep gripping and pushing and stuff.

If it bothers both sides, they just have to leave the other side alone.


'nuff said.


Darth Sun -SC-

Ichimoto Factory

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Guest HertogJan
Originally posted by Soul-Burn

Spidey was sniped by Soul-BURN -SC-


And who are you to call yourself a Sith? Also, who are you to call SCers Jedis? And who are you to call people flower sniffers when it your @$$ smeared on the ground?


I'm a Sith, MWUAHAHAHAHAAA!! And I love saber fights, that why I use the -SC- tag!


And I don't think any force powers should be banned, only drain should be made a bit less powerfull: uses more force!


And, I though you, ArtifeX, said the same thing in a previous "drain post", made by yourself...


Other than that, I just play to kill, that's what the game is all about!

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Originally posted by Darth Sun

Someone sure needs to get a life.

Arti, why do these posts?

Its obvious you dont like -SC- and it is obvious -SC- wont stop playing the way they play since its the -SC- way of having fun.

Like you say, its all about fun and if playing with the Saber Code is the -SC- way of having fun SO BE IT and LIVE WITH IT!


I'm a -SC- but I dont whine about what others do, I just limit myself to play in Saber only servers and that is it, although I do go to weapon servers but dont complain since it isnt a -SC- game.

if I find a -SC- in the game even better, we both go have some duels while everyone else is blasting away with guns and gripping left and right.

Its their way of having fun and we have our way of having fun.

Its just as simple as that, doing these things you do with posts (despite funny or not) just show a certain degree of imaturaty since you are trying to put down someone who is trying to have fun in their own way wich goes against your way of having fun.


Since there are a few hundred servers there is a HUGE chance we will never meet, so why all of this if it is very likely we will never be in the same game and our ways of "having fun" will clash?



'nuff said.


Darth Sun -SC-


As I've said before, if it's your server and you paid for it--you do what you want. The problem I have is -SC- thinking they can go into someone else's public server and start kicking people that don't play by their rules;(Refer to -SC- Rules 8 and 10) even if that server says -SC- in the name or the MOTD--it doesn't matter. If they manage to call in an admin and HE kicks someone, fine.


Callvote kicking is COWARDICE! Grow a pair! Go hunt down the offender with all your -SC- buddies if you can't take him by yourself!

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As I've said before, if it's your server and you paid for it--you do what you want. The problem I have is -SC- thinking they can go into someone else's public server and start kicking people that don't play by their rules; even if that server says -SC- in the name or the MOTD--it doesn't matter. Callvote kicking is COWARDICE. (Refer to -SC- Rules 8 and 10) If they manage to call in an admin and HE kicks someone, fine.


Well, you will be glad to know I also dont like callvote kicks, so my server has callvote off since I also dont want ppl to change gametype and so on since the server is to be specifically what it is.

When someone is kicked, its actually me kicking but only after warning since I like to give ppl a chance and try to be fair.

Only if the person does not obbey to the set of rules and dont stop, they are kicked with just cause for breaking server rules.


Now I just want Raven to fix the force disable so we can have only force jump activated (either that or release SDK so someone can fix that for them :D )

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Originally posted by Soul-Burn

Spidey was sniped by Soul-BURN -SC-


And who are you to call yourself a Sith? Also, who are you to call SCers Jedis? And who are you to call people flower sniffers when it your @$$ smeared on the ground?


Man you are all talk. I'm posting a challenge to you in all these threads. I know you'll keep not letting ppl have their jokes w/o interrupting with your serious take on things. But I would like to actually duel you to see how much you actually play this game. Hopefully this could be accomplished without kickvotes, gang attacks, bowing, banning, excuses, your bedtime, high ping, lag, etc.


I don't care if you live in Micronesia, we'll find an equitable server.

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