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Banned Force Powers


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this is nothing but hillarious. I loved this post. I can't believe I missed it for several days.


I'm 31 years old, got a wife and 2 kids. I don't know all this language that I was reading and that made it even funnier to me. The words like f4aGGot, and myGoT. That is soooo hillarious to me.


I've been getting accused lately of beeing a puss because I'm on a FFA server and start tooling mostly with the guns. Then some guy says I'm a wuss so I cut him in half with the saber, then he tries to kick me. It's just so funny to me. I don't get pissed, I just laugh at how people get sooo frustrated. I'm just laughing thinking about playing again, in hopes of a simillar run-in.


This whole thread even got funnier just reading through it. The responses and the seriousness.


Thanks for such a creative & hillarious post.



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Originally posted by DarthMark

wats the point of that? thats just crap mate, force moves r good, ur the only newb round here, cryin cause ur so crap, u need special rules:violin:





That was the sound of the purpose of this thread going right over DarthMark's head.



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Originally posted by VeX_5150

OMG!!!! This thread is a joke ppl.....and pretty damn funny too. Man i swear you ppl take a computer game a bit too seriously. Did you all start crying when Jan looked to be killed in the SP game? I bet you did.





You mean she's NOT DEAD! Then why the hell am I trying so damn hard to get my light saber back? And who makes combination locks for doors out of stone tablets anyways? Like if i wanted a jigsaw puzzle to open the font door of my house made out of massive stone tablets, who would I call?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why is it that whenever ArtifeX does a post, the SC crowd goes berserk? He's made it clear that his AFC rules post and this post were meant to be satire. He might of been joking, but I'm not. All you SC losers do is bitch and moan that you got shot in mid duel in a FFA server. I'd respect you guys a lot more if you stopped being such pompous,whiny, jackasses. Why don't you guys get your own dedicated SC server and get the hell off the ffa servers? As it is, you guys are like the Jedi Knight 2 version of the KKK. If somebody disagrees with you, they're wrong. If somebody thinks guns are cool, they're wrong. If somebody makes fun of you, they're wrong. Need I go on? You guys think your so superior just because you use the saber. It's gonna be a lot of fun watching you guys cope with what the patch did to your beloved saber skills. Now that everything is more balanced, you guys are gonna get screwed. We should get a server going of SC guys vs. Gun Lovers. Then we'll see who's superior.

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Originally posted by ArtifeX

By Declaration of the -SC-:

Force Powers that No One is Allowed to Use Anymore


1. Force Drain - This is banned because when I get hit with it you have force power left and I don't.


2. Force Heal - This is gh3y. I hit you and you don't die.


3. Force Grip - This suXX0rz! It doesn't have any counter AT ALL except push, pull, absorb, drain, saber throw, mind trick, lightning and weapons.


4. Force Push - I can't hit you with my sm00ve light-stance backstab when I'm flat on my 4ss or falling down a hole.


5. Force Pull - I still can't hit you with my sm00ve light-stance backstab when I'm flat on my 4ss or falling down a hole.


6. Mind Trick - Hey! Where'd you go?! Hacker!! myg0t!!!


7. Force Sight - Hey! I was hacking!! How come you could see me??! Hacker!!! myg0t!!!


8. Saber Throw - ph4g! Quit ruining my Strong jump attack!


9. Force Lightning - Just because you can wipe out those 5 light-stance n00bs that are all down to 10 health with minimal effort doesn't mean you should.


10. Force Speed - Force Lag!!! Force Lag L4m3r!!


11. Force Jump - Because turning off your saber and flip-kicking me to death means you g0t n0 sk1llz!! Fight fair!!


12. Force Protection - I hit you with my light-stance swing and you didn't die!! Ch34t3r!!!


13. Saber Offense - Strong stance is for n00bs!! Ow!!! Damm1t!!


14. Saber Defense - I can't hit U!!!


15. Dark Rage - One-hit kills are ch34p, f4gg0t!




You made me spit out my pop right before it about went up my nose!


I'm printing this out...awesome...



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We of the SBC (Stun Baton Code) concur with your findings Artifex, and whole-heartedly support this recent declaration of the SC. Praises be, as their goals are very similar to ours, here at the SBC, though we feel that the Stun Baton is the only truly honorable weapon, as the Lightsaber's range is too great, making for cheap kills.


The Stun Baton is much more balanced, since players cannot simply block each others hits all day!


Did you all start crying when Jan looked to be killed in the SP game? I bet you did.



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Lets see a game made to incorperate jedi knight force powers and lightsaber.


Doesn't like the force powers.


Why did you buy the game then???


Maybe you should play more and learn how to avoid them or use the powers to you advantage.

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