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What I think about force heal!


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Since I am in a bad mood this morning for some reason or another, I just decided to complain about something. As I was drinking my coffee, I decided to rag "force heal".


Changes I would like to see for Force Heal:

1) Automatically heals

2) Heal Others



Reasoning - Automatically Heals

They were on the right track with Force Jump, but they let me down on force heal. I think that it should work like a "reg" ruin or something. It should automatically regenerate over time instead of having to choose to heal yourself. Also, the force rank would affect the speed of the regen. Consider for a moment, who in their right minds wouldn't heal themself? So why not make it automatic... end of point.


Reasoning - Heal Others

This is just for single player... I know there is team heal and crap like that. Lets say the last level of cloud city or whatever... you have like 3 or 4 bespin cops heling you out, so it would be nice to heal them too...


Ok now I feel better now...

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In Single player I think they wanted to make it tougher or feel like you were a trainee or something. In MP healing heals automatically (well, in a split second, it's possible to kill somebody as they hit the button and they still die), dunno about team heal (as I haven't had a chance to use it yet) but I'd think it would be similar.



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I think it would be cool to have Force Heal:


1 point: Regenerate. Active healing like SP healing level 1, must be inactive to use. Heals 25 points.

2 points: Regenerate. Active healing heals 25 points and heals similar to SP level 2.

3 points Regenerate health at a faster rate. Can heal while doing anything. Heals 25 points.


Drain could be similar, and drain 25% of enemies Force pool for 25 points of health.


I think Force Seeing should be made more like "Force Awareness"

1 point: Players in line of sight glow yellow. Slight bonus to defense.

2 points: Players behind walls also glow yellow. Bigger bonus to defense.

3 points: As with 2 points, only defense includes dodging sniper shots (as does now) and Jedi automatically counters attacks (Force Pushes thermal detonators, can block some attacks made behind player)


That's just a rough idea of how I'd do things, but I think Raven did a great job. :)



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Oh yeah they did a good job and i don't want anyone to get me wrong... that was just my morning rant and rave. That way I feel like I accomplished something at the end of the day.


I do like your idea on the force awareness.

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I understand what your saying about the force heal thing but it would just be dumb to be constaly healing, Put an iv in your arm or somthing. The hypthetical Jedi can use the force and it flows threw them, yet the Jedi themselvs controle it, they need to activly use it. i like the force heal one cause you neel on the ground and i think that is cool. My last comment is maybe on Single Player Only there could be some ultra slow when doing anything force heal, cause when your in a fight with 3 Reborns, im thinking about killing them not about 2 hp(Given i am almost never toched scept when there are 3 reborns and 5 stormtroopes.).

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well, i don't think that would work well, i for one often wait till a certine time to use force heal just because i might need force power for something else at moment, it is easy to hit force heal when needed, don't need it draining valuable force powers if its not needed.

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