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Black Saber Glow Question, yes, again :)


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If you recall, the dark force boon (the thing in multiplayer that grants you all the dark force powers) has a shadowy effect around it when you have it. Can't that be done with a black saber??? This would solve the issue of the black saber with everyone wanting it (including myself, after having used one with Jedi Knight I).



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Technically, it should be possible.


As far as I am aware, the lightsabers textures are bound to a shader. The shader sets the textures to brighten whatever they're over (kinda like if you set a layer to color dodge/screen in photoshop). I beleive it is possible to change the saber shader file so the textures will darken instead (just dig out the blend mode from the dark force boon to do it).


However, and this I must stress, dark sabers look extremely stupid IMO ;P

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