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What are the tools?


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I keeping hearing about radiant and sof and sdk and a whole bunch of other tools, but I don't know what they are.


I also keep hearing that Raven is going to release tools, and if so:

1. When?

2. Where?

3. Is there a tutorial?

4. What are these other tools that have been released?

5. Which tools are used for what?


Could someone explain this to me? I'm no newbie to games, but I am a newbie to editing, and this would be a real help to me. Thanks.

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1. Soon, thats all Raven will say.

2. On the internet

3. Raven probably wont make a tutorial but somebody out there might write one for it.


SDK = Software Develpment Kit

It allows you to be able to edit the game in a farely big way like importing your own Character models into the game, adding your own Multiplayer modes of play instead of CTF, DM, TDM, etc....


Radiant = a Map editor.

There are alot of different Radiants. QRadiant makes Quake 3 maps, SOFRadiant makes maps for Soldier Of Fortune, MOHRadiant makes maps for Medal Of Honor. All Radiant pretty much make maps for games that use the Quake 3 engine.

5. Radiant makes maps, and the other tools.... well we'll find out when Raven releases them.

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i use Milkshape3d cuz its 20USD and i spent all my money on adobe photoshop (which i use to make skins and textures).


other people use 3d Studio Max (which is way expensive) or gmax (which is free but i couldnt ever get it working on my computer)




[edit: i didnt really spend ALL my money on photoshop. im just cheap. the truth was going to come out sooner or later)]

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