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How to counter pull, once you're knocked down?


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I was playing this guy online today and his favorite move was to pull me down, and then do an overhead slash with the heavy style as I was getting back up. I tried to click jump several times in order to get up faster, but I'm still left vulnerable before I can move out of the way. Does anyone know a good consistent way to counter this move?

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Don't give him the opportunity to pull you.


Force powers are a waiting game. He can't pull you unless you've committed to an attack, force power, roll, jump, etc. Otherwise (assuming you have pull) you will counter it.


If you rush swinging at him, you're wide open. Don't swing unless you're sure of a hit. Use Drain or Absorb when you get close, if you're that worried.


As far as I know (I'll do tests tonight) to knock you down with pull means he has to be fairly close to you... and you have to have committed to an attack/force power/movement already. Chances are you bullrushed, he sidestepped and swept you off your feet with pull before you could recover from your attack. And LAG is always an issue. :vadar:


- Gaeb

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Thanks for the response, I didn't know that you were vulnerable only when attacking or something along those lines. I'll be mindful of that, next time. Is there anyway to defend yourself after you've been knocked down, though?

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I've killed people with that tactic a few times before, and usually they get up before I can get a killing heavy slash in. Not always, but usually. So I'm pretty surprised that it worked consistantly on you... but, lag is always an issue! :vadar:


- Gaeb

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Well, I did manage to get out of it a couple of times, but I'd like to develope some trick to counter or prevent it consistently. I'm also on a 28.8k dial-up, so that probably had something to do with it. The enemy would be like 6 feet away from me, then I would get kicked. I guess I've also gotta develope some heavy duty lag tactics.

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this is one of my fav tactics and the only thing that consistently works against it is holding jump as soon as you start falling and immidiatly do a backflip when you stand up. This still won't always work but it does most of the time if your fast and lucky.

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lag is an issue but not a major one.


If you are moving and attacking at the same time, your saber will not be in defensive position. When this happens you can be pushed/pulled and you will fall. You can also be gripped as well.


Last night I observed a guy who was raping me doing that. Especially in FFA, ppl will be mid battle running around attacking.


Force pull and overhead slash will connect 90% of the time. if you low on armor and health its a killshot everytime, plus the down swing gets you if you back up.


The key to avoiding it is a side roll, a flip will takeyou to high and into the path of the blade, a side roll can get you out if he isnt fast enough.


If you on your back, then you messed up.


Take him out first or, be prepared for his attacks and counter.

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I suppose you city slickers never heard the expression "don't bother closing the gate after the cows have gotten out". trying to counter a follow-up attack, after successful attack really isn't what you should be aiming for, it should be countering the first attack. (others have described how well enough already)


the one thing I will say though is that when I've pulled people down and when I've been down myself, the best thing I've found is like blacknight mentioned, a backflip immediately. I've found that more than 50% of the time, if I aim at the the guy while still on the ground, that when I've jumped up that I'll kick him orhe'll at least miss.

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Speaking just saber wise, if you go red stance you'll make him seriously reconsider using pull, red stance has very long swings, so on a lot of them, if you pull them into you you'll actually impale your defenseless self (can't defend when doing force powers) This doesn't seem the case with yellow and blue, as they finish their attacks too quickly, but red.. Going up against red opponents makes me seriously reconsider pulling them to me as I've killed myself against far inferior opponents more times than I can count doing that now. :p


If he does get you knocked down, he'll probably have a pattern: If he uses strictly horizontal swings do the vertical leap from the ground that knocks you up in the air. If he is doing vertical swings don't do the leap up and just step to the side.


A good player will probably go with vertical swings because that is more likely to hit most players who are mashing the jump key. So show some discipline and don't do it, get up slow and step aside.

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"red stance has very long swings, so on a lot of them, if you pull them into you you'll actually impale your defenseless self "


The idea is that you strafe diagonally towards the player when you pull him, that way he flies just a little bit past you, never making contact. Then you just wind up and hit him. There really is no direct way to counter this aside from drain/absorb (in which case it just becomes a game of who drains first.) The game just boils down to a patience match. If your opponent uses yellow stance, its still slow enough for the other guy to easily pull you down. If you use blue stance, he can just let you hit him then pull you. You do 10 damage, he does 95.

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