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Hello to your face!

Chewi Nuts

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Let me introduce myself. My name is Humpty......wait...wrong channel. *Bangs head on desk*


New to the forums, new to JK2, and just plain newb. I'm a rather advanced player ranging from early Quake2 days to RTCW. Thought I'd be tough as nails in JK2, but this game is a totally differant beast. I'm not yet coordinated enough to handle Saber combos with guns and forces. But I will be.


Anyways, just wanted to say hello to you folks, and I'll be hanging around on these boards, making a fool of myself, and being a mockery to the human race. What are some popular servers that people on this board play on? I need face time baby!

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Hi Chewi,

I'm new here as well. Been playing RTCW for the last bit and certainly have to admit that getting used to the sabre and force powers have been a welcome challenge. I've managed to finish the sp version on Jedi Knight Level and found the force powers easy to manage. They seem to be a different beast in mp. I have found myself wondering numerous times (particularly with grip) why it hasn't worked or why it doesn't appear that my character is even trying to initiate the power. I hit the button for grip and wait for him to extend his hand but nothing, I'll issue the same button press in direct view of an opponent and 25% of the time something happens (not the full effect I was waiting for and yes, I do know how to set force power configurations and I know the effects of each level; red the manual, researched the topic). Am I missing out on something? I know about automatic countering but is there something else?

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Grip does require you to be close to your target and you have to hold down the button throughout it's use. For some folks, depending on ping you need to be very accurate as to where your crosshair is.


Plus they can push you to break the grip, turn on absorb to break it, pull you, grip you.



Hope some of the above babble helps..

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In MP I get the same thing. I try to do lightening....nothing happens, I try to grip...nothing happens. Can someone explain how Force Powers work. For an example......I have right shift as use force. I know you can select forces.......but if I have say Grip bound to a key, do I press the grip key and it automatically happens, or do I press the grip to 'select' the force, then press my 'use force' key to actually use that force. I'm confused.

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