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How to contact developers?


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Yeah, I've been having a hard time getting help. All replies have been good, but to no avail...........

My friend and I have been trying to play a private game together, but one can never find the other's on the list............

Tried IP connections, disabled any firewall type things, ect.......no go.

I want to hear the opinion of the peeps who would really know......want to know if I should stop wasting my time or not, cause it's getting REALLY frustrating!

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I'm assuming your friend and you are not on a LAN. You're not the only one to have this problem, and judging from the posts on this board, it looks like listen servers in JK2 are LAN only. If that's the case, I can see why Raven did that. However, only Raven can verify this (I've checked all their documentation). You can still run a dedicated server and connect to it on the same machine if that helps.

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