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TimeDemo Results?


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AMD Athlon XP 1600

Geforce 3 TI500 oc'd to 260 core/551 RAM

384 MB PC 100 RAM (rofl, this is teh sux)


Windows XP

Fastwrites Enabled

SideBand Addressing enabled


The Settings;

1024x768 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: Very High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trilinear Filter: On

Detailed Shaders: On

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: On

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


Detonator Driver Version: 28.32


The Result;

Demo JK2FFA: 32.7 FPS


I don't know about any other results, but is this low..avg..or high??(<---Have a hard time believing that its even remotly high..)

I would have to say its pretty low for my system.....



I would overclock my cpu, but everytime I even touch a cpu setting, JK2 crashes like a drunkin redneck trying to drive....

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did this this morning


demo jk2ffa

win 98se

duron 850

GF2 Gts 32 MB (creative)

192 MB PC100 RAM

detonator 28.32

via 4 in 1: 437 (helped like 10 fps from 432)

vortex2 (not quad)


base setting: fast

res:1024x768 (change)

color:16 bit

opengl ext:0ff

geo detail: medium

texture detail: medium

texture quality: 16 bit

texture filter:bilinear

detailed shader:off

video sync:off

dynamic lights: off

marks : off

anitstrpic filter:on


sound quality:low


36.8 FPS

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Both of those times are not low. Timedemo does a complete average of all FPS during the demo. I get about 39.1 evertime I run a timedemo on the standard demo that came with the game. I have

1ghz AMD

geforce 3 ti200

512 ram

soundblaster live

I am a resource freak, I run XP with alot of services turned off and I dont have but one icon in my sys tray when I run games. When I am just running around in a game my FPS will be anywhere from 64fps to about 105. When in a duel with those white shields its about 61fps and pretty much stays there I think, sometimes too busy to look. Just remember that a TV show runs about 21FPS I think, I know you can notice when you are running a difference between 40fps and 105fps in a game, but still a timedemo above the 30 mark is good I think.

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AMD Athlon XP 1500

Geforce 4 TI4400

256 MB DDR



The Settings;

1024x768 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trilinear Filter: On

Detailed Shaders: On

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: On

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


Detonator Driver Version: 23.11


The Result;

Demo JK2FFA: 69.3 FPS

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OMFG.... Just downloaded the 23.11 drivers and did a timedemo, new results for the demo are 60.0 fps......thats up from 36.7......


I'm sure I could get MUCH higher but Jedi Knight crashes hard when I oc my video card, and if I even think about oc'ing my cpu, JK crashes. I know its not cooling issues, because my cooling is two 6 inch box fans pressed up against the video card and cpu. My mobo runs at 79 degrees F and my cpu runs at 120 degrees F. JK is the only game that crashes too.......patch issues?

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Not to seem to noobish, but how exactly do you run a timedemo and get results? When i tried running a timedemo in multi (i can't seem to get it to work in single) by turning cheats on by using devmapall (something) then timedemo 1 then demo (demo name, forgot right now) it runs through the thing then pops me back to the main menu - no results, not even in console.


What am i doing wrong?


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I'm getting a new graphics card tomorrow ( ASUS GeForce 3 Ti500) for my 733Mhz Pentium computer that has an old, depressingly out of date Diamond Viper 2 Z200 running on it.

Suprisingly the game runs very well with graphic settings to :

About 80% of the game with my current setup seems to run a high framerate. Going to check and see what the precise #'s are....


800x600 16 bit

GL Extentions: OFF

Geometric Detail: Med

Texture Detail: High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trilinear Filter: OFF

Detailed Shaders: OFF

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: OFF

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


But unfortunately I still lag on the mine level, which has the wide open spaces and one of the last levels in the Yavin Swamp.


I'm hoping that when I get my new card I can run the game at this:


800x600 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trilinear Filter: ON

Detailed Shaders: ON

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: ON

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


Is that asking too much out of my system?

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No, thats not asking alot, most of the game will task the video card once you get near the 1ghz rating.

Not to nitpick but TV (NTSC anyway) runs at 30 frames per second (60 fields per second)....PAL is 25/50

I was hoping for someone to be nitpicky. I wasnt sure what the standard was at that moment and was hoping someone did.

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System specs

AMD 1.0@1.34GHz

512 PC133 SDRAM

GF2 Pro 64MB


Windows XP



1024x768 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: Very High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trilinear Filter: On

Detailed Shaders: On

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: On

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


Detonator Driver Version: 28.32



Demo jk2ffa: 53.5 FPS


so-so i guess




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AMD Athlon 1.0Ghz @ 1.33Ghz

Radeon 8500 not overclocked (275/275)

512 MB DDR PC2100 RAM

TB Santa Cruz Sound

Windows XP

Fastwrites Disabled

SideBand Addressing enabled


The Settings;

1024x768 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: Very High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Bilinear Filter: On

Detailed Shaders: On

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: On

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: Off (But forced ON to 64x in drivers = better quality)


Driver Version: 6058


The Result;


Demo JK2FFA: 64.5

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Originally posted by Lazarous

Not to seem to noobish, but how exactly do you run a timedemo and get results? When i tried running a timedemo in multi (i can't seem to get it to work in single) by turning cheats on by using devmapall (something) then timedemo 1 then demo (demo name, forgot right now) it runs through the thing then pops me back to the main menu - no results, not even in console.


What am i doing wrong?



Ive never tried it myself but from what i have read this is what ou have to do:


Open Multiplayer, bring down console and type in the folowing commands:


devmap ffa_bespin (or whatever map you want)

timedemo 1


demo jk2ffa

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Dell Inspiron 8200

GeForce4 440 GO


The Settings;

1600x1200 at 32 bit

GL Extentions: ON

Geometric Detail: High

Texture Detail: Very High

Texture Quality: 32 bit

Trillinear Filter: On

Detailed Shaders: On

Video Sync: Off

Dynaimic Ligthing: On

Wall Marks: On

Anisotropic Filter: On


Driver Version: 2835


And I got 40.9 fps

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