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Well, not exactly, I changed the rolling animations(animation.cfg) for butterflies and backflips; your feet slides when you do it, but looks cool anyway ;)


There you have screenies:


There you have a frontal cartwheell, sweet...




Backflip action, a known move, but looks good touching ground.





No, he is not falling, ¡¡¡he is butterflying!!! :D


I´ve sent the mod to massassi.net, because my webspace is crap and i dont want to see it exploding with 3 downloads (I bet these pics will be down in 1 hour :p). I´ll send it to Jediknightii.net too, so please just wait a few hours to get it.



P.D.- Dont expect the definitive cartwheel mod, its just cool to see, not very usefull till the sliding bug can be fixed(with the GDK, i hope). And please, excuse my english XD

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Wow, you guys are fast :)


Well, lets try my webspace, it doesnt work sometimes, but the file is very small (10kb), I think you all can download it from there.


You can grab it HERE


Just put the pk3 in your base directory, load the game, and make a roll. The changed anims are: front,back,left and right roll; and the wallflip(but this one doesnt work right)


Enjoy XD


P.S.- Dont know how it works in MP, i dont think it could work, cos your movements change, you move a lot further and your saber collides with objects. A pure server wont allow you to use it.

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Originally posted by SilentDark

aw... is there a way we can make a cmd to a specific animation, therfore allowing everyone to see it?


Dont know, but it would be cool to be able to bind any animation to a key.

Just a tip, install the model viewer, this game has many hidden cool animations, i´ll try to make some other work...


Well, its late, and I have to wake up early :( , post any questions you have, and i´ll try to answer them tomorrow.

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I was messing around with the animation files for a bit, for other purposes, I was concidering doing this, but I didnt think that others would be able to see it so I didn't bother.


I'm glad that someone went ahead and did it anyways though:)



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Thanks for the feedback guys :)


Im tweaking it now rising the speed of the animation, it still slides, but not that much. I need to find other move that dont slides like rolling; a simple jump wouldnt fit, any suggestions?

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Originally posted by Samsagaz

Thanks for the feedback guys :)


Im tweaking it now rising the speed of the animation, it still slides, but not that much. I need to find other move that dont slides like rolling; a simple jump wouldnt fit, any suggestions?


I myself have been messing about with the animations and have changed the side rolls to cartwheels my tweak doesn`t slide that much if anyone can host the file post your email address and i will gladly send it.


Note: the animations are better running through SP than MP

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