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Everybody please read...modelviewer in game...

Lord Darkblade

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I have a Quake3 code that works in JKII that allows you to view all around your model and zoom in and out on it in maps. All you have to do is download http://fsonline.ca/uploads/uploads/modelview.cfg that file and follow the instructions below:


1) put the modelview.cfg file in your GAMEDATA/base directory


2) open up JKII in multiplayer or singleplayer and bring down the console.


3) type devmap x (where x is a mapname) for example:

devmap pit


4) once you are in the map bring down the console again and type: exec modelview.cfg and close the console


5) now all you have to do is press any of the keys on the keypad.

the uparrow is zoom in and downarrow is zoom out. Left and right arrows spins the camera left and right around your model. 5 on the keypad toggles between first and third person perspectives.


This file is a must for skinners that want to see what their models will look like in multiplayer.

This is just my yearly...err...daily tool for the community :cool:


Have fun...

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