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Working on Dark Forces version of kyle, need help!!!

Infinity Blade

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I'm currently working on a Dark Forces type kyle, but I don't know of any resource material to use. My game got toasted long ago , and I don't remember how he looks.


Here's a face I was kinda tossing around, but I think it'll probably look more like JK Kyle instead of DF Kyle...




It's a quite altered Chiss head. :) I'm not sure if I'll use it for anything, just experimenting.


If anyone could post an image or link to a site where I can find whatever glimpses of his appearance that are available, I will be very grateful.



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As far as I'm aware this is the only time you see Kyle pictured in dark forces,...


and as far as him being in his early twenties,.... I hate it when people go back and rewrite history to suit their stories needs.

Kyle was supposed to be an expert mercenary, a veteran soldier, and in his early twenties,... yeah right.

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I'm not "rewriting history". If I did, Kyle would be at least fifty during the events in JKO otherwise - and the folks at Raven claim that Kyle is in his late thirties in JKO.


Which brings us to the point of a viable timeline and continuity... That's another thread entirely.


And besides, stranger things have happened than a Force Attuned young man become good at what he was trained for at the Accademy. Like...Uh...I don't know... A ten-year-old winning a Pod race - and then single-handedly taking out an entire Droid Control ship; something that the best pilots of Naboo couldn't even do.

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I wasn't accusing YOU of re-writing history,...


But I know there have been far too many instances where someone writes something, then someone else goes back and re-writes it to suit their ideas,...


That's the kind of thinking that ruined the EU books for me, and the Highlander story,...



I shed a single tear for Highlander with all it's bastard children,.... ;)

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Well, it's already been pointed out that gray hair can come at just about any age, really. I'm 19, and I have a single strand of gray hair...Which I find strange..


And come to think of it...one of my old high school teachers had some kind of half-gray, half-black thing going on - one side and the other. And he was 39 at the time.


And Kyle's been through a lot. That gray hair just might be a sign of his wear and tare, not necessarily his age.

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infinity_blade :


It does not necessarily concern you, but there is a Dark-Forces-Kyle available already...

Quite a good one, too.


Done by starunner (if I remember correctly).


The sole mistake he made was to use too skinny a model for a man who is wearing a metallic looking armor beneath a not so light leather jacket.


I would certainly apreciate seeing a better attempt at young Kyle...I doubt there are any suitable models, though.



That face skin you posted looks mighty fine, indeed !

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