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Common Rules.


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Con, would that include going to a server with rules about no killing when sabre not drawn, and you know the rules. Would you go ahead and kill everyone against the rules of the server?

Not a flame, just a query =)

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Hehe, I wasn't trying to insult or anything, I just know that some people, on this forum who shall remain nameless, like to go into servers which have rules, they know there are rules, and constantly break them over and over and over. We kick and kick and kick, and they call us lamers...it's funny....to me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We try very hard to keep a good server. We've recently added 4 new admins, who cover a full day. Some play during the day, others at night.


To say if a server makes a unique rule, that we should enforce it is TRUE, and completely unrealistic.


Our server has been absolutely AMAZING. The quality of people there are second to none. We had a guy walk away to use the bathroom, and was left UNTOUCHED (while his saber was out) the entire time.


Foxbatkllr, its pretty unfair for you to judge our server from one incident. There are a number of threads here giving alot of positive feedback for our JK2 server. Fortunately, our server is usually jammed with the regulars we've attracted, so I don't necessarily feel I need to "convert" anyone.


If you want to play JK2 where HONOR is more important than kills, come to:




And if, while there, you have a problem. Join us in IRC at EnterTheGame on channel #LiCk.


You will NOT find a group of people MORE dedicated to maintaining the atmosphere of JK2 honor than our great group!


[LiCk]Sebboh Nivlac

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:vadar: You are unwise to lower your defences.


Seriously though, I have an overdeveloped sense of fair play. If I see someone with saber off and obviously not attacking me, im very unlikely to to take a slash on him. Of course, I always will keep an eye on him in case he abruptly changes his mind, as they often do.


However, its pointless to blow this all out of proportion. You can't expect too much from random players on public servers on a community as large as this one. FFA is also pretty lawless enviroment with its collateral damage and frenzied running around.

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I would say on a regular FFA server, one should also consider that people come there to fight and have a good time. If you're not fighting, you're wasting space for other people to play. Of course, that would be on a regular FFA server, for those who didn't catch that the first time and had their flame trigger fingers ready.

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They should really have a second duel setting...where people can walk around still, as if it's FFA, but you can't attack. Because let's face it, FFA stands for FREE FOR ALL. Now don't get me wrong, when I stumble across an honor-based server, I think it's great.


I follow the little rules, learn a few new bows(yeah, there are about 30 out there now), and have fun wall-walking with the others in between duels...but you can't expect that as the norm. I only have one problem with the saber off thing...


Anyone remember Ukyo from Samurai Showdown? How about Citan Uzuki(using his sword) from Xenogears? Hibiki from Last Blade? Remember that style where they only unsheath their weapons when they strike? I always wanted to make a style of that with a saber...unfortunately, too many people would misunderstand someone with a saber off...

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Good point. I'm sure that could be modded in (the "I'm chatting" bubble). I guess it looks kind of goofy in the middle of a game, but then so do the rebel/imperial icons floating around and the huge blowing bubbles when people spawn in or grab a ysalamari or something.

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I agree with you guys 100%, saber off=do not attack...with one BIG exception...


If you have your saber off, do NOT run around force-gripping people off ledges !


I've seen it, I've had it done to me. I turned on absorb and shoved his sneaky rat-bas***d butt off a ledge every time I saw him afterwards.


So essentially, if you turn your saber off, it's to signal non-agression, not to lure them in for a trap (unless of course, it's Team FFA, and you have people lying in ambush...but that's another matter)

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Shutting off a saber in an FFA game is pure idiocy, prepare to get smashed and rightfully so. It's a war you morons.


You want your little roleplaying rules? Go to a duel server.


-End :guard:

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My point is, when u have saber down you should be hiding (duh we've got those retards) and should only be typin. I try to do that, but still not many people out there respects my actions. I get killed with saber down...for the rest of the game i ignore everyones comments and play dirty just like them. I love the comments when you force push people off ledges when they grip you.

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