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Opinions needed on Bespin Luke skin!!!


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EEEEPS is right! I just slapped on Empire and: grey the outfit is. But he is in the shadows and dark mostly when you see him so it is pretty hard to make out. I got out the old school picture books I have . Another thing is... If my memory is correct, the action figure was almost exactly the color you have it as! Your face looks great! Keep up the good work


Crazy am I?

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Thanks,... It's turning out as well as I could have hoped!


As for the color, the gray background makes it appear to be more of a brwn color than it actually is.


I know it still is a bit too brown though,... I was planning on taking the saturation down after I had finished. I wanted to make sure it looked right first.

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It looks like you are using the Luke skin for his face that exists in the game, if you touched it up a bit to remove those round circles from around his eyes that would make it look a lot better in my opinion. Looks like luke is hoped up on drugs or something.

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I dont know what movie you guys were watching, but it wasnt ESB. He wore tan clothes. The only thing i see wrong with this skin is that the shirt goes way passed the belt. He tucked his shirt into his pants in this particular costume.



Where and when was he wearing grey?!?!

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