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Whats FFA???


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whats FFA? and...


what is this 1 duling thing? does it mean onley 2 people in the game can play while all the other players put down there ligjht sabres, go eat there dinner, check the computer and see if there is a spot open for duling, and if there is they go around finding someone to fight, but they probably be too slow to find anyone, so they never get a turn at killing anyone through the whole entire game. If i have misunderstood something then pls tell me, cos I think that this is rediculous cos no one gets a turn at fighting.:mad:

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FFA = Free For All


In this game mode only 2 people can duel at any time, but everybody else is free to fight anyone else. It's all in the manual.


A duel server uses a game mode where you do nothing but duel. It's 1v1 and the rest of the people wait their turn to play.

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well yeah i have asked the question alot of times, cos i stll didnt understand, but now i do, i hered from someone that everyone can still play exept there is 2 people who turn into ghoste like people and no one can touch them while there fighting, so its ok everyone still gets to fight wich is good. Im getting this game next week sometime;)

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