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Ded. Server Questions, IP and Port Setting


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Hi guys, just need some help here.


I am with LightSpeed Gaming and we are setting up some JK2 Servers. Anyway, Im wondering this...


1) Our boxes have multiple IP's, now I want to set the Server to use a specific ip. I set the net_ip and net_port to the IP and Port I want but it still takes the "LocalHost" IP. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?



// Server Config

seta sv_hostname "LightSpeedGaming.com JK2"

rconpassword "whatever"


set net_ip

set net_port 28072

seta sv_maxclients 16

seta g_inactivity 0

sv_maxRate 10000

set g_allowvote 1

set timelimit 20

set capturelimit 20

set g_autoMapCycle 1


map ffa_bespin


As you see im setting the ip and port but it still goes to the localhost port of I have even tried using...


seta net_ip

seta net_port 28072


Still doesn't work.



You guys are welcome to play on it but hell, I'd really like to know how to fix this.


Also I dont know if this has anything to do with it but I am using the Jedi Knight II Dedicated Server for Win32 (1.02c)

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