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How long did it take you to complete the game?


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Thanks. Anybody else?


By the way, I play for about 4-6 hours a day but I tend to reload my save game if I take too much damage or waste too much bullets(like using 150 bullets just to take out 3 storm troopers) and this eats up time.

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Originally posted by RiverWalker

you are trying to say you finished the game in 8 hours straight? bull****.


or did you just use a walk through so you didn't have to actually PLAY?


Idiot. I did not use any walkthrough. The game is extremely logical.


Just because you're still struggling on how to get the lightsaber out of the cage, doesn't mean everyone else it.


Grow up.

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I bought the game a nine o'clock and played for about seven hours straight. I then realised i had a terrible headache and ended up going to bed at about five! I completed it in the next couple of days.


I thought the length was ok. It took me longer than medal of honour and max payne but that could be mainly due to all the searching around. I think the length was about right.

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sure, logical is fine, and crap like getting the light saber didn't give me any problems, but, you couldn't possibly have finished in 8 hours, at least not if you had any FUN.


edit: next thing we know he's gonna say he finished the HalfLife single player in 12 hours...

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Originally posted by Cloud_Fav

DL are you kidding? That wouldn't happen unless you just keep running past every map without looking around at all.


There was a question asked. I answered it. If you can't accept it, it's not my problem.


The game isn't that hard plus I'm pretty good at FPS and I played Heretic 2 a lot so I was familar with the game style.


And why would I want to look at the map!?


"oooh that's a pretty R2 unit. Think I'll look at that for an hour"


I tried to finsih the game as fast as possible. I'm going through the game agin now on Jedi Master slower.

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Originally posted by RiverWalker

sure, logical is fine, and crap like getting the light saber didn't give me any problems, but, you couldn't possibly have finished in 8 hours, at least not if you had any FUN.


edit: next thing we know he's gonna say he finished the HalfLife single player in 12 hours...


You are an ass. Hear that. An ass.


What part of "Just because someone else can do and you can't doesn't make it impossible" didn't you understand!?


I did have fun with the game but what's the point in dragging it out.


As for Half Life, I didn't particularly enjoy it but I'd guess at 15hours. But it's been 2 years since I played it.

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Well, it took me six days to complete. Time flies when playing, so I can't say for sure how many exact hours it took, but if I say I played 6 hours each day, it must have been roughly 36 hours or less(20 hours or more on Jedi difficulty level was the estimate I remember reading from one preview before JK2 came out). That time also includes every possible death from running into too many enemies, who shot me down, Dark Jedis who cut my head off occasionally or falling into endless shaft and trying to figure out solutions to "not-so-hard-puzzles"(you just have to explore environments a little bit more and don't forget items you have in your inventory). Have fun! :D

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8-10 hours, specially in Jedi Master difficulty. AH. Look at me. AH. I'm LAUGHING! AH! What a joke. Geez.


Took me around a week, playing around 4-5 hours a day.


You just used a walkthru and cheats just so you wouldn't have any problems advancing in the game.

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Took me 10 hours the first time. But I don't think that it's anything to brag about, it's a simple number, nothing more.


As for the riddles... well, I didn't experience as to easy or too difficult, they were just right, it took you some time to figure some of them out, but it mostly stayed logical.



The only spot where I had to look up the solution happened to be the very last riddle, where I missed the button on knee-height that opens the last movable wall in the yavin temple.



I've finished the game several times since then, mostly taking more time to find all the secrets.




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Originally posted by Digital_Ronin

Took me 10 hours the first time. But I don't think that it's anything to brag about, it's a simple number, nothing more.


As for the riddles... well, I didn't experience as to easy or too difficult, they were just right, it took you some time to figure some of them out, but it mostly stayed logical.


The only spot where I had to look up the solution happened to be the very last riddle, where I missed the button on knee-height that opens the last movable wall in the yavin temple.


I've finished the game several times since then, mostly taking more time to find all the secrets.





Exactly. I wasn't bragging. I stated how long it took me but some people, who for some reason seem to think that if they can't do it, no one can, have some sort of problem with it.


I'd just like to state that I used no walkthroughs as


1) I got the game on day 1 and there were none.

2) No official walkthrough is available here.


and the cheats were not released when I was playing the game for the first time.

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why go so dang fast? like I said to start with, theres no race here, if you find fun in getting done far faster than was intended, and missing out on a large portion of the game, (the side crap that has no actual influence on the story, but is fun. and just admiring the eye candy in some parts, if you have the hardware to put the settings up) and nobody beliving you, then good for you,


but can't conceive of how that is more fun than taking time, going through an area 3 times so you get it just perfect, or fighting the same reborn(s) or squad of storm troopers so you can do it flawlessly, and other time consuming things, and so on...


I put $1200 into my computer when I built it, and though I gripe about it being a year old now, it can still run games like this with the eye candy, and I want to appriciate that facet of the game,


and personally... I bought it full price, first time through SP, and screwing around with codes in SP has provided me with about a week and a half of entertainment, and MP is still going strong, and has a great outlook, already it's worth the cost, if I could play through the single player in 8 hours I'd be seriously let down.


I can accept 8 hours on Jedi Knight difficulty, if your the anal sort to race through games like that(or just used a walkthrough), but 8-10 hours on Jedi Master is a joke,


and even trying to go that fast, or taking only 15 hours on HL,... I feel sorry for you, missing out on some of the best parts of a game,


<insert yoda quote about luke always looking to the future, not enough attention to what hes doing at the moment here>

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