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ASC stands for Anti-Saberist Code and SC stands for the Saberist Code. Some one decided to compile a list of rules that Saber only users should follow, and I guess certain aspects of the rules irratated the people who played using everything thus creating this rift. I don't really know how the whole thing got started exactly, but hope that helped.

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I am neutral... but I am sick of the whole "honor" thing. Play the game how you want to play it, don't expect others to play like you want unless you are running your own server.



If I am on a server that plays bowing, pseudo-honor light side HS, that is fine - I will respect their ritual.


If I am on a FFA server, I expect to kill everything, and everyone I see by any means I see fit.


Just don't whine about it.

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Originally posted by Gray Fox

SC stands for the Saberist Code. Some one decided to compile a list of rules that Saber only users should follow


slightly wrong,


they can wear the tag in their name if they choose to follow a few guidelines.. it was never said that anyone was forced to follow it..



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