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There is this really nice kid in my art clase and he plays a lot of games. He comes in and gives these 2 kids burnt copies of jed knight 2 . Then he tells me how good it is and ask if I want a copy of the game. Im like sure. He is to some a thief a scumbag but in my eyes he is being nice and and he does not even consider it wrong. I also wont buy a game that he will give me. Ill just get sof2 with my money.

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i too own a copy of the game without paying for it. however, now that i've seen how great this game is, it's certainly worth my money, and i'll purchase a copy soon. this is what i do with most games, since often they don't live up to my expectations and i eventually delete them. i'd hate to have shelled out $50 for something i didn't want.


i can see where your friend is coming from. if i find a game i love, i want others to see what's so great about it, and maybe even get them to play it with me online.

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Unless the same kid gives you SOF2 as well :-)


Well, what can I say?

Im not gonna pretend I never burned a music CD or a game from a friend, but in the end it hurts the industry.


A good example that people usually refers to is Looking Glass Studios that made Thief, System Shock 2 and Thief 2.

Many people played those games and they were considered minor masterpieces, but not many payed for them. So, no more Looking Glass :-(

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Originally posted by termmy2

He is to some a thief a scumbag but in my eyes he is being nice and and he does not even consider it wrong. I also wont buy a game that he will give me. Ill just get sof2 with my money.


So he steals games, and gives them to other people, but you don't think he's really doing anything wrong?


I got news for you son, he is a theif, and so are you.

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I find nothing wrong with that. We all do it anyway. And we all use Napster type progams to. Why should we pay over price for crappy ass games? We're not all rich. It hurts the industry? I doubt that. If you get a copy of A game I don't think you would have paid for. The game companys have tons of money. Besides how many people here never did it? Be honest.

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I have *never* accepted a burned game that was originally on a CD, everything else is Warez, so it doesn't count.


I have burned games for other people, I don't care about them, they don't want to pay for it, that's their call. I EASILY have the largest shelf of computer game boxes anywhere in my area.


I think I've finished all of them too *feels 733t*.





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A few facts for you.


Originally posted by dan123

I find nothing wrong with that. We all do it anyway. And we all use Napster type progams to.


Weither or not everyone does it or not, does not make it right. Lets say a whole country thinks it's ok to kill off a group of people, does that make it right? There's a differance between stealing and murder/genocide, but the fact remains that how many people do something, does not make it right.


And for your information, I personaly don't use napster, or steal games.


Why should we pay over price for crappy ass games? We're not all rich. It hurts the industry? I doubt that.


Why do you think the price of games is so high? It's because of priacy. They have to charge what they do, because they know that a % of people won't buy them but will steal them in one way or another. If enough people don't buy a game, then the company that produced it losses money, this hurts the industry. And just because your not rich, that gives you the right to steal something from someone else? Perhaps I should go steal a Dodge Vipper from a dealer, since I can't afforde one?


If you get a copy of A game I don't think you would have paid for.


Ahh yes, the "I wouldn't of paid for it anyway." lie. If you wouldn't of paid for it, then why would you bother dl'ing it? If it's not something that is worth your money then why do you have a burned copy of it? Having a game you didn't buy is stealing pure and simple.


The game companys have tons of money.


Actualy game companys make very little profit on a game, a game is considered a major sucess if it produces a small % of profit. Take Dungeon Siege for example, Chris Talyor had to take out a 2nd morage on his house to pay off the bills to finish DS. He will proably make back enough to pay this off, but very little extra.


All your arugments are simply methods to justify what you know is wrong.

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i'm going to preface this statement by saying i did pay for this game, and i'm quite glad i did ('cause it was worth it)

but simply saying that owning a game without paying for it is wrong is an oversimplification (consider abandonware for example, i dunno, maybe you're against that too)

I think this forum should begin to apply the rule that the first person to liken the other person's position to Hitler/Osama Bin Laden/"Insert favorite symbol of evil here" should have their side of the argument disqualified on ad hominem grounds.


By Darth Milo's logic you should only approve of people who are totally unwilling to help you, or do you any favours. e.g. jerks. This is clearly silly.


whether or not you do or do not find it possible to morally justify software piracy (on basis of it not giving money to some people, or because the moon looks pretty or whatever) is irrevant- moral judgements are ultimately subjective.

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