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Running a Modded Skin on a DED Server


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Hi, i checked the other messages but couldnt get a definite answer, my server has a few different skins on it, and the usual ones i play with are only about 100k (only small mod changes) i have set up the dedicated server so it will automatically download to new clients.


The problem is i can only get it to work with maps (carbon freeze works perfectly, and downloads to all clients who dont posses it)


I cant get it to work with my skins.


Is there something im missing or can it not physically be done.


Im running with pure server on and allowdownloads on, like i said maps download perfectly, just not skins


Thanx in advance.


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In order for a client to download a file from a server, both the client and the server need to allow downloads. As far as downloading maps, I don't know of any custom maps widely available yet. Do you have such maps? Or are you refering to the stock maps? If both server and client have allow downloads on, I believe the client will only download a skin when someone is using it. Keep in mind that downloads from the server are automatically restricted to 1k/sec. So, they can take a while even if the files are small. I'd never want to download a map from a server. It would take hours.

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Yes, I agree with Toy. We are having exactly the same problem. We have the same settings with pure server on and allowdownloads on on both client and server.


However if the other clients have the same pk3 file in thier base folder, they can see your modded skin. Its only happend once for me and only after they did a /model <skinname>.




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Yes, that is correct, i have the modded skins dropped in my server directory, and if i use a modded skin, and a person joins who also has the modded skin, then they work fine.


However if a person joins with no modded skins in his directory he will not see the skin, and it will not attempt a download.


My skins are like 125k (very small modifications, and most people joining wouldnt see a big problem with it) but i need a way to send the modded skins of people who are playing.


Somebody must have an answer.............please


Thanx again


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I just found a way to do it, but it seems ridiculous, and that is to copy the deathstar map and rename it, and include it in the skin file, and then tell the server to start with your renamed map, the clients will connect download the map, and download the skins with it, the only problem is......that my 125k mod skin is now 1.2MB download :o)


There has to be an easier way.



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