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I Want More Female Skins, Not Ur Goofball Virtual Selves!


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hey everyone who reads this and wants to see some more female jedi on these games!! we need more females in theses games man! im tired of see the creators virtual self!!! AHHHHH!!!! gotta love some women! comon think of all the cool **** we can play around with.... oh and i love dismemberment. how about some JIgGLYboob!!! we besides being a complete pig, i would also like to know if anyone has the balls for a space balls mod!? BONG! im out boyz

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Hey now, I am 30 years old, I wouldnt mind seeing some more women myself in the game. Granted I am not going to say it like him :D lol. Have you guys seen the female sith model that someone (extremely sorry I forgot his name) making. He has it posted in the editing forum, extremly high quality model and looking very good. She has a short waist length cape and all.

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One of my clanmates is rather angry that there's only 3 female skins standard in MP.... and only 2 are worth using seeing as mon mothma is, let's face it, ugly :)



She uses tavion, but she said she's getting sick of tavions constant whining when she gets hit. I told her not to get hit as much then.... she told me to shut up :)



Personally, I think more female skins would encourage males to use them... which can sometimes be confusing and scary...

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i am going with the thery that the gran skin is a female. thus i am not breaking my selfimposed policy of only useing female skins. :D


tell your frend my thery gonk and see what she says, i am interrested now:D


I mean how do you tell on a gran anyway? udders? :D

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